Republicans declare banning universal free school meals a priority. They want to eliminate CEP, the School Lunch Program. Why? CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student CA, CO, ME, MN, NM +VT are moving to provide universal free school meals to all children. CEP enables schools predominantly serving children from low-income backgrounds to offer all students free breakfast & lunch. #GOPHatesChildren
In the dead of night, WI Republican lawmakers just defunded the Child Care Counts program. Sen Kelda Roys said the decision will make even more of Wisconsin into a childcare desert. The program has funded more than 22K child care jobs & helped 113K children since 2020. It'll be devastating for needy families & the state’s economy: #GOPHatesChildren #GOPSabotage
#gophateschildren #gopsabotage
@bulwarkonline I will vote against assault weapons. I voted for representatives that put together police reform and common sense gun control. Republicans are not willing to do anything about the problem, what else can I do? Protest? And be shot legally or run down with a car or pick up truck. No thanks. Republicans got what they wanted. People living in fear of them. #ItsTheGuns #gophateschildren
@rudepundit #wtf is America doing? #fascism #Christofascists #womensrightsarehumanrights #gophateswomen #gophateschildren #mybodymychoice Now and Forever
#wtf #fascism #Christofascists #womensrightsarehumanrights #gophateswomen #gophateschildren #mybodymychoice
@JulieNye #idaho already has a law permitting careless ejaculators to sue women & their doctors for abortions. Currently, rapists are excluded under idaho law but as mentioned above, there is a proposed change that will allow rapists the right to sue their victims!
#idaho #hell #gophateschildren #gophateswomen
@drclareharris Anyone wearing #AR15LapelPins needs to realize they’re wearing a target for the next armed lunatic that comes along. #nashvilleshooting #schoolshooting #gophateschildren #guncontrolnow #ImpoundARs #putinsGOP #kochGOP
#ar15lapelpins #nashvilleshooting #schoolshooting #gophateschildren #guncontrolnow #impoundars #putinsGOP #kochgop
from Mr. Q of Maine
The GOP want's to abolish child labor laws... again!
A Tweet from Bob Lawrence
#GOPBetrayedAmerica #gophateschildren