@rudepundit #wtf is America doing? #fascism #Christofascists #womensrightsarehumanrights #gophateswomen #gophateschildren #mybodymychoice Now and Forever
#wtf #fascism #Christofascists #womensrightsarehumanrights #gophateswomen #gophateschildren #mybodymychoice
@JulieNye #idaho already has a law permitting careless ejaculators to sue women & their doctors for abortions. Currently, rapists are excluded under idaho law but as mentioned above, there is a proposed change that will allow rapists the right to sue their victims!
#idaho #hell #gophateschildren #gophateswomen
Websites Selling Abortion Pills Are Sharing Sensitive Data With Google — ProPublica https://www.propublica.org/article/websites-selling-abortion-pills-share-sensitive-data-with-google
#gopwaronwomen #abortion #gophateswomen
From 2021, but this is the Republican Party.
They want to execute women who seek abortions.
#gophateswomen #womensrightsarehumanrights
@cypnk I wouldn’t talk unless the #Echo was removed the room. Police and #GOP will use it to track women’s reproductive healthcare and will use it against them if they can. Hurting women is the goal. #GOPHatesWomen
@peterdeppisch But let’s make sure abusers still have access to guns. That way he wouldn’t have had to burn her house down, he could have just shot her. #GOPLovesViolence #GOPHatesWomen #GunControl
#goplovesviolence #gophateswomen #guncontrol
Federal judge could force abortion pill mifepristone off the market : NPR https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153593174/mifepristone-abortion-pill-federal-texas-lawsuit-restrict-access-nationwide
#GOPDomesticTerrorists #GOPHatesWomen #AbortionRightsAreHumanRights
#GOPDomesticTerrorists #gophateswomen #abortionrightsarehumanrights
@KellyEWRoskam The courts have announced “open season” on women and it began with #Alito and #SCOTUS. Misogynist Pigs. #GOPWarOnWomen #GOPHatesWomen
#alito #scotus #gopwaronwomen #gophateswomen
from RB
#gophateswomen #GOPBetrayedAmerica
from Glasnost Gone
This is what Putin's puppet party, the GOP, intends to do too!
#EvilGOP #GOPBetrayedAmerica #putinsgop #gophateslgbt #gophateswomen #gopispropedo