Which reminds me that I might have to invest again some time into #gophernicus ...
Long weekend project: gopher.3564020356.org on a Raspberry Pi 2 running #gophernicus 🙂 #gopher #gopherSpace #phlog #WeekendProject #SelfHosting #SlowWeb #RaspberryPi
#gophernicus #gopher #gopherspace #phlog #weekendproject #selfhosting #slowweb #raspberrypi
Yesterday i have installed #gophernicus on my personal server ... We'll see.
@mwlucas @ckeen@vernunftzentrum.de It #Gopher took me a couple of days but it happened and it is up & running! #gophernicus broadcasting live from my #raspberryPi running #freeBSD :flan_hurrah:
Next step: How to organize information the Gopher way and post my own content.
#gopher #gophernicus #raspberrypi #freebsd
I successfully make && make install #gopher #gophernicus on my #raspberrypi running #freeBSD.
Next step is to manage to get access to it from outside of my home network and eventually add my #phlog notes
#gopher #gophernicus #raspberrypi #freebsd #phlog