Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) can only read four pages every hour. Most people walk faster than this. Pass it on. #RepRaphNorman #SouthCarolina #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPClownShow #GOPShitShow #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #gopshitshow #gopclownshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition #southcarolina #repraphnorman
Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) is trying to hold out on the debt limit now, when he should really be shutting the fuck up.
He's a traitor who should charged with sedition and to serve the full 20 years in prison. #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPClownShow #GOPShitShow #RaphNorman #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #raphnorman #gopshitshow #gopclownshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition
Who gives a fuck what Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) thinks? It was one thing when he was just a sexist racist who made jokes about Ruth Ginsburg getting raped, defended racist Steve King, fought mask mandates, and tried to remove teaching of Critical Race Theory. But urging Trump to declare martial law to prevent Biden from taking office?
He needs to be charged with sedition and to serve the full 20 years in prison. #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPShitShow #RaphNorman #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #raphnorman #gopshitshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition
"Either 21 Republican lawmakers charged with oversight of our government don’t know how the government works and didn’t care to find out, or they are deliberately misleading their loyalists."
I'll go with "B," on a wild guess. Although ignorance is a contender! #USPolitics #GOPinDisarray
What are the odds that #mtg is blackmailing #kevinmccarthy ? He has a history of infidelity and she's now divorcing....🤨
#JustSaying #GOPInDisarray
#mtg #kevinmccarthy #justsaying #gopindisarray
KJP: Let me explain this to you like you're in high school and that wasn't totally a clown question.
Nicely done. #politics #GOPinDisarray
Yeah, it figures there'd be a field day on "normal or crazy" from the spokesperson for the #GOPinDisarray The Yahoo News treatment has lots of tweets, more than I've seen in a month, but it's worth it to scroll down to Trae Crowder's TikTok, done BEFORE the #SOTU with his usual spot-on forecasting.
Conservatives believe that the president has a duty to protect the country from all threats-foreign, domestic and imaginary.
"We suspect the real reason Republicans are going after Mr. Schiff is that he has been so effective." #inteeligence #gopindisarray
George Santos' closet is full of skeletons-but the skeletons have fabulous dresses. #GeorgeSantos #gopindisarray #DragGate
#DragGate #gopindisarray #georgesantos
Just when you think they couldn't possibly go any lower ,the GOP says"Oh yeah ? Well, f$&k you ,watch this !! "
Missouri House Republicans approve stricter dress code for women - The Washington Post
Will Bunch: Exhuming McCarthy: How minority rule could implode U.S. democracy in 2023
"In the end, he couldn’t even get 218 votes, a simple majority. The GOP’s Kevin McCarthy gained the House speakership in the dead of night early Saturday, but the last winner of a 15-rounder who emerged this battered and bloody was Muhammad Ali, who told reporters after 1975′s “Thrilla in Manila” that “it was like death.”
#118thCongress #GOPinDisarray #politics
#118thcongress #gopindisarray #politics
The is bought and paid for by donors and pacs. #GOPTaxScam #GOPinDisarray #GOPClownShow
#goptaxscam #gopindisarray #gopclownshow
The thing is, he wasn't wrong
#118thCongress #GOPinDisarray
Rep. Dan Crenshaw Denied Plum Chairmanship After ‘Terrorists’ Jibe
This was clearly a false flag with a secret antifa member disguised as Rep. Roger's toupee. The antifa operative must have been sent by Soros to make the GOP look like a mob of violent thugs. #GOPInDisarray #GOPClownCar
Bruce Bourgoine @BruceBourgoine
The #GOP takes over the reigns of power in the United States House of Representatives after winning the #Midterms in 2022.
#gop #midterms #resist #mepolitics #voteblue #gopindisarray
After the short circus of 15 speaker votes, back to business as usual.
Getting rid of 87,000 jobs to protect a few very rich tax avoiders also known as GOP donors and owners.
#HouseofRepresentatives #USHouseofRepresentatives #SpeakerMcCarthy #GOPClownShow #gop #GOPinDisarray
#houseofrepresentatives #USHouseOfRepresentatives #speakermccarthy #gopclownshow #gop #gopindisarray
So what would keep McDumbfucky from just flipping off the shithead chaos goblins and ignoring their demands?