"Not a grift," says the Grifter
"Not a gang at all....just a 'family' or a "group of close friends" - says the gang leader
This is a gang....a murderous one --they just kill in a different way...under the guise of "law" or "constitutional interpretation."
They're every bit as deadly as the mob or any street gang...every damn bit.
#clarencethomas #gopkillers #murderousgang
Donald Trump killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Current and former employees recall rising desperation as Trump administration officials squelched research into the new coronavirus. #ArrestTrumpNow #GOPKillsBest #GOPKillers
‘We Were Helpless’: Despair at the C.D.C. as the Pandemic Erupted | GIFT LINK 21-MAR-2023 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/21/health/covid-cdc.html?unlocked_article_code=qp9YzaedaXl4h-2MDsD3TDz5793T9ISeNxMHrijwkmkIBX7Meps-GLHjiBJM71Ademsa62fzh31NzWRbVW10AttK6KjgX72vVzj0Zk1CmCCUymT1wWhr_Q4MB0qxdJKOcd5alCy1G6QSK5vCVC3_UwL7APWObKK7CwculIgyGRtMPncmXQ7bBCaDyX403rXlMoM_Dkm2bXWNj2b2t9Ev2oDd-UezH6MNs4fz0EgMir34yCksCRz8Z61Xh84ZTgFUUIUM3Ej17UihRGLSijf6BDMcXc0YHCc7d2-NdUKwkR3A9VQIrD2FL-82ORujou-l1Lo&smid=url-share
#gopkillers #gopkillsbest #ArrestTrumpNOW