#BadJournalism rears it's
ugly head yet again via #GOPLapdogs like @danbalz
@michelleisawolf said in 2018 & more true now
Corporate Media exists to make $$$
Owned by GOP Billionaires they don't give a damn about democracy They have utterly failed to address the growth of #GOPFascism
#gopfascism #goplapdogs #badjournalism
#GOPHypocrisy at it's finest
I present @nikkihaley or more correctly per her own words #NimrataRandhawa
Oh wait!
I see-the rules only apply to every one else, not Republicans!
Now will anyone in MSM challenge her or are they all cowards & #GOPLapdogs
#goplapdogs #nimratarandhawa #GOPHypocrisy
I’m not afraid of these #MAGAMorons
They hide their faces & can't even go to a store without a gun
They are tiny in number but the pathetic #GOPLapdogs in MSM cant get enough of them so their voices are always amplified while we, the overwhelming majority are ignored
#TrumpCult #goplapdogs #magamorons
When you see the fully corrupted Corporate Media-talking to you Washington Post ( Sally Buzbee), NY Times (Joe Kahn) continue to obsess about Hunter Biden rather than the worst potus in US history & his criminal organization?
Send them this
Hello #GOPLapdogs - you convinced me⬇️
Bravo @HC_Richardson
“Political Technology” the construction of a virtual political reality thru media”
A corrupt FASCIST Party (formerly @GOP) aided & abetted by it's GOP-billionaires control corporate media & it’s all too willing #GOPLapdogs
🚨 Beware
There's been a purposeful & concerted effort by @GOP & their #GOPLapdogs in MSM to denigrate & demean her & her record
Ask why?
(think female & minority)
She just works & believes
"The American Dream Belongs to ALL of US"
Stop being
#GOPLapdogs aiding the #GOPFascists to do to US what Bibi is doing to Israel
Ben Bradlee’s wise words:
“The essential role of The Press was to serve the Governed-NOT the Governors”
#FixMediaNow #dobetter #GOPfascists #goplapdogs
🚨 Beware
There's been a purposeful & concerted effort by @GOP & their #GOPLapdogs in MSM to denigrate & demean her & her record
Ask why?
(think female & minority)
She just works & believes
"The American Dream Belongs to ALL of US"
One big #BoehlertAward @emptywheel for exposing 3 "journalists" as nothing more than SHILLS for Trump & GOP:
@jonathanvswan @charlie_savage & as always @maggieNYT & she brings the receipts
Just example #439 why I call them #GOPLapdogs
#FixMediaNow #goplapdogs #BoehlertAward
Yesterday's #TrumpClownShow was just Exhibit #2875 on how awful MSM is:
Pathetic that corporate media hasn't learned 1 damn thing since 2016
They're nothing but a pathetic bunch of simpering #GOPLapdogs eager to gnaw at any scraps this damn Traitor throws at them
#FixMediaNow #goplapdogs #trumpclownshow
@luv_wins @danwentzel @nytimes
I call them all #GOPLapdogs as they are all owned by a GOP billionaires
I sadly do not see them changing anytime soon, but there is some good news
Millennials, and especially GenZ have no use for them at all
They do not get their news from TV or from the media newspapers, but they are informed and they are pissed off at the Republican party
I hope they can save US
@GreenFire @nytimes @Joshgerstein
I call them all #GOPLapdogs as they are all owned by a GOP billionaires
I sadly do not see them changing anytime soon, but there is some good news
Millennials, and especially GenZ have no use for them at all
They do not get their news from TV or from the media newspapers, but they are informed and they are pissed off at the Republican party
I hope they can save US
@JoeNBC @morningmika @Morning_Joe is reverting to it’s 2016 suckfest as #GOPLapdogs & of pandering to GOP’s growing list of candidates
When Dems are on? It’s to talk about GOP
As they scrape the bottom of the barrel for the likes of a Chris Matthews?
Remember this:
@mjk_4mjk @DemocracyMattersALot
GOP Billionaire-Malone ($9.7B) controls CNN
He installs butt-boy @ChrisLichtCNN to carry out orders
Fire any real journalists like @BrianStelter @JohnJHarwood
Message is clear:
Be #GOPLapdogs or you’re out
Give #TFG a free hour of letting lie, rave & rant
(But its not 2016 anymore)
Chris Licht falls on his sword but nothing will change
GOP Billionaire-Malone ($9.7B) controls CNN
He installs butt-boy @ChrisLichtCNN to carry out orders
Fire any real journalists like @BrianStelter @JohnJHarwood
Message is clear:
Be #GOPLapdogs or you’re out
Give #TFG a free hour of letting lie, rave & rant
(But its not 2016 anymore)
Chris Licht falls on his sword but nothing will change
A #BoehlertAward to @DavidCornDC on the yet again, abject failures of MSM
They fail to accurately explain the FACTS of the #GOPDebtCrisis
Of course as 90% of ALL Media is owned by GOP-billionaires, it is no surprise 90% of their staff are #GOPLapdogs
We must constantly amplify Dem voices
#goplapdogs #gopdebtcrisis #BoehlertAward
Is everyone in Corporate Media CORRUPT or just #GOPLapdogs owned by their GOP billionaire owners?
They read this title carefully - Dis you?
Bravo @froomkin
“Republicans threaten to tank economy. Media blames Biden”
Bravo again @froomkin
Are your media outlets corrupt?
Are they #GOPLapdogs beholden to their GOP billionaire owners?
Is your name, Sam Stein or Peter Baker among so many others
They read this title carefully - Dis you?
“Republicans threaten to tank economy. Media blames Biden”
It’s trifecta!
@wsj joins @nytimes & @thedailybeast posting articles today criticizing @POTUS for*
Not talking enough to the press
Being too old
His fitness to serve
GOP Billionaires sure sound scared
#BidenBOOM only threatens those who will have to pay more
*will not waste your tie posting articles as they are worthless GOP propaganda
Sadly, the Press are not on our side
Almost exclusively owned by GOP. Billionaires most of them are simply #GOPLapdogs
That’s why our voices must be so loud and shared