MSM must ask the tough Qs, not cite useless polls, esp. re why all the GOP pres. candidates reject scientific evidence of CC *seawater levels are rising worldwide, mass flooding, wildfires..., the Biden admin's economy is good -why do they lie about its merits?, their blatant racism re CRT, anti-DEI, voter suppression, whitewashing history, scapegoating peaceful protesters, refusal to do or even contemplate comprehensive #immigration reform... #GOPLies #ClimateCrisis
#immigration #goplies #climatecrisis
The new WSJ poll showing positive data for #TFG is biased. FEC website: beginning of 2023, Fabrizio Lee & Assc has pocketed huge expenditures with the largest being $208K or "polling expenses & the least being $2,372.98 for "polling consultant expenses: travel. They've been on #TFG's payroll -his campaign paid their firm >$600K. #GOPSabotage #GOPLies
Republicans won't let Americans have anything nice, even if it'll help the economy. They plan to oust Pres Biden in 2024 by sabotaging #Bidenomics & his pro-American agenda: On Tues, Sens. Cassidy, Thune, & Cornyn led 14 of their GOP colleagues in introducing a bill that'd overturn Biden's new SAVE income-driven repayment plan🚨, formally launched in Aug to lower borrowers' monthly payments. Cassidy is the top Republican on the Sen EDU CMTE. #GOPLies #GOPSabotage #GOPGreed
#bidenomics #goplies #gopsabotage #gopgreed
If Floridians vote in more Republicans given #DeSantis' & the state leg's abdication, they deserve their fate: DeSantis rejected $350M in fed funds meant to help tackle #ClimateChange—just months before #Idalia. He used a line-item veto in June to reject a $5M fed grant to set up a rebate program for Floridians who retrofit their homes with energy efficient appliances *meant: FL couldn’t access the $341M the IRA allotted to fund the program. #GOPLies reapply in Aug 2024.
#desantis #ClimateChange #idalia #goplies
Republicans are still scapegoating migrants at the border, but now they're targeting them for harassment, or worse, bc they'll vote for Democrats. White supremacists have committed violent acts, incl. massacres, based on "Great Replacement." Failing to prove voter fraud, constitutional sheriffs argue an alternative -& equally false -theory: Democrats seek to change the voter landscape by encouraging IMG, esp. from countries in Central & South America. #GOPRacism #GOPLies
Replying to boost.
"In its lawsuit, the City of Houston argued that not only was this “unconstitutionally vague,” it also violates provisions that require the state to demonstrate that there is a “direct and irreconcilable” conflict between state and local laws before the state can preempt them with “unmistakable clarity.”
#savedemocracy #goplies #texaspowergrab
With more than a year to go before the #2024election, a constellation of #conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second #WhiteHouse term for #DonaldTrump, recruiting thousands of #Americans to come to #Washington on a mission to #dismantle the federal #government and replace it with a vision closer to his own.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #MAGAcult #fascism #authoritarianism #EndOfDemocracy
#2024Election #conservative #whitehouse #DonaldTrump #americans #Washington #dismantle #government #GOPfascists #goplies #MAGAcult #fascism #authoritarianism #endofdemocracy
Florida & other states are hiding #HateCrimes by not bothering to report them: We're experiencing the highest level of hate crime in this country🚨-from SPLC. FBI: 31% increase in hate crime incidents from 2020-21. >60% of the victims: targeted bc of race or ethnicity -while major drop in agencies reporting crime to the FBI. In FL, 67% of agencies reported crimes to the FBI in 2020. In 2021, only 33% did. Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office didn't report. #GOPCorruption #GOPLies
#hatecrimes #gopcorruption #goplies
RW #ChristianNationalists & millionaire donors are trying to destroy public schools, & they're scoring wins: On a private call with Christian millionaires, home-schooling pioneer, Farris, who made ‘parental rights’ a GOP rallying cry -pushed for siphoning billions of tax$ from public schools. He's a lawyer & the most influential leader of the modern home-schooling mvt *since the 1980's -has argued about the harms of public EDU +divinely endowed rights of parents. #GOPLies
#christiannationalists #goplies
When we handed a prosperous America with a thriving mid-class over to RR/Rs in 1981 *seeds of today’s crisis. Powell Memo: rich/big corps takeover weakened us *infiltrated: our U's, seized our media, packed our courts +lg. religious mvt -to add Ms of votes +turn upside down tax, labor, & gun laws. Rs' new ideas: radical tax cuts, poll. dereg., destroying unions +slashing: support services bc Rs said feeding, educating, or providing HC to ppl made them dependent🚨. #GOPLies
“Treating truth and lies as worthy of equal consideration makes the media complicit in MAGA deception."
See Mastodon thread of article:
#Journalism #News #Media #GOP #MAGA #Lies #GOPLies #TrumpLies
#factualnotneutral #Journalism #News #media #gop #MAGA #lies #goplies #TrumpLies
I know we're not supposed to blame AG Garland, but bc of the DOJ's delay in investigating #J6 & still no repercussions for the MOC who enabled #TFG...: GOP Reps continue to aid & abet #TFG: Rep Clyde is proposing 2 amendments to an appropr. bill that'd defund the various prosecutions of #TFG. He is adding to the defense of the former pres. mounted by TFG's allies in the House as they circle the wagons in the face of 4 indictments🚨. #GOPCorruption #GOPLies #GOPConspiracy
#J6 #TFG #gopcorruption #goplies #gopconspiracy
Far too many Republicans are like emotionally-stunted children. "Hah! You investigated or you impeached our guy so we're going to do the same to you." They have no evidence they just have their desire for revenge and partisan gain. They couldn't put our country first if our country's life depended on it. They are not noble, self-sacrificing, public servants. They are self-serving, power-hungry, sycophantic, vindictive and immature charlatans.
House Republican Calls Out Biden Impeachment: “There’s No Evidence” | The New Republic
"Republicans have insisted for months that Biden is guilty of corruption and influence peddling overseas, despite producing no actual evidence. McCarthy has suggested opening an impeachment inquiry into Biden next month, once Congress returns from recess, so that Republicans can access more information and witnesses, which will supposedly lead them to the truth.
McCarthy is doubling down on his threat behind closed doors, CNN reported Monday, but Republicans are not unified behind him.
“There’s no evidence that Joe Biden got money, or that Joe Biden, you know, agreed to do something so that Hunter could get money. There’s just no evidence of that,” one GOP lawmaker, speaking anonymously, told CNN. “And they can’t impeach without that evidence. And I don’t I don’t think the evidence exists.”
Republicans have (inadvertently) admitted before that they have zero proof of wrongdoing by Biden. But even lawmakers who support impeachment proceedings don’t back opening an inquiry now.
Representative Matt Rosendale, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, on Monday called an impeachment inquiry into Biden “long overdue” but accused McCarthy of using the threat to distract from upcoming appropriations votes."
Issues: absent from the Republican performative debate. VR repeatedly disqualified himself, falsely claiming CC solutions have killed more ppl than CC +RD by expressing authoritarian vows of violence by promising to render any drug dealers at the border ‘stone cold dead’. The media is failing as they cover the elections like the #20C instead of explaining what’s happening: Rs’ fascism, dangerous anti-social mvt, calls for violence, dehumanizing others…🚨#GOPRacism #GOPLies
A closer look at the abortion bullshit DeSantis told at debate #detailsmatter #GOPlies
Rep Ogles' bill (he's the pro-🔫ogre of TN): Opponents counter that the GOP is desperately trying to kneecap the largely nonwhite dist., which consistently votes 90% or more for Dems, as its statehood push gains steam. “Republicans are scared: DC has gotten closer to statehood than ever & their response is, to try to take away what democracy the nearly 700K DC residents -plurality of whom are African Americans -have,” -DC’s non-voting Rep E Norton. #GOPCorruption #GOPLies
At no point during this #interview did anyone acknowledge the fact that there's absolutely no #evidence of any wrongdoing by President Biden. They're all pretending these #allegations are a proven fact. They're all #shameless #liars.
#GOPLies #ComerIsNotCredible #RepublicanFraud #FoxNews #FoxNewsIsBullshit
#interview #evidence #allegations #shameless #liars #goplies #comerisnotcredible #republicanfraud #foxnews #foxnewsisbullshit
Feeding them fear, hate and violence, is how the obscenely wealthy, Fox News and the rest of right-wing media, Trump and the GOP in general, get the little guys to do their dirty work, maintain their power and wealth, and distract from how they have gamed the economy and political system to pillage from the rest of us while keeping us powerless. The suckers, ahem...I mean marks... or is it just their willing victims, lap up each new indignation, enemy and scapegoat, while hating, foaming at the mouth and loading their guns, never questioning who is really destroying their lives, livelihoods, and country. You'd think their puppets/victims/prey would notice, object and revolt from being used so disgustingly...yet they don't even notice how well they are being played and manipulated. That is not freedom!!!
Fox has more blood on their hands. 💔 - by JoJoFromJerz
"Fox has more blood on their hands. 💔
This is the “normal” they’re building.
Last night a man in Lake Arrowhead CA shot and killed a clothing store owner because he didn’t like her Pride flag.
He shot her in the head over a rainbow flag.
“Through further investigation, detectives learned the suspect made several disparaging remarks about a rainbow flag that stood outside the store before shooting Carleton,” the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department said in a press release.
And now, Lauri Carleton, 66, a mother of nine, and wife of 28 years is dead.
The man who is suspected of the murder is also dead. Killed by police after fleeing the scene.
And while this story is utterly horrifying and unbelievably tragic, it’s not really at all surprising, is it? Not if you’ve been paying attention.
After all — this is what Fox and the rest of the hair on fire right-wing bigotry brokers have been building. And selling. For years.
Tucker. Watters. Jones. Bannon. Shapiro. Kirk.
The list is long and the bench of profiteers is deep.
It’s not enough to simply “other” entire communities of already marginalized people. You see, you have to do that, while making sure that your audience also believes “they” endanger them. Believes they are an existential threat to them. To their kids. To their way of life. And once they’ve got them there, that’s when the final piece falls into play.
They have to DO something about it. They have to draw a line. “Stand up for…” some nebulous thing they aren’t actually in any danger of losing… with violence.
With those guns “THEY” are trying to take away from them.
Hate is big business. Master masons of manipulation are bricklaying bias, intolerance, discrimination, prejudice, racism, sexism, transphobia, xenophobia, fear & a need to arm oneself, all topped off with a willingness to commit acts of violence. Because they think they HAVE to. Because if they don’t, they’re the ones who will lose everything they love.
They believe they need to “protect” themselves, but what they don’t want to admit, is that it’s not really about “protecting” their kid’s gender identity, but is instead about protecting their obstinate devotion to their own opinions and prejudices.
Because if anything is actually under attack — it’s that. It’s the bigotry. And for many the Fox viewer, that’s a non-starter.
But this has become about so much more than them thinking these thoughts. It’s getting them from thinking them, to believing they have a god given right entitling them to saying them out loud, and then eventually, in acting on them.
This is the journey they’re on… one they’re being taken on, one gaslighting, propagandizing Fox “News” segment at a time.
In a nation armed to the teeth, relentlessly bombarded by the right-wing media machine with fear mongering, othering and violence stoking while being totally strung out on hate, this is the natural progression.
This is inevitable.
It’s the drug Fox and the rest are pushing. Just as addictive as Fentanyl, and potentially, just as deadly. A drug the viewers are addicted to. One they need more and more of every day. They need that next hit of rage. They’re itching for it.
This is the goal for the cult that is the MAGA Republican Party. Fox is pumping these people up with 24/7 outrage. An hourly supply of dopamine hits of HATE HATE HATE and FEAR FEAR FEAR."
#foxpropaganda #goplies #gopistherichsbitch #rightwingpuppets
Ron #DeSantis would love to see every #library in #Florida shut down because it would further his ultimate goal of having an #ignorant and #misguided #population that he can #control. And control is really what these fascistic #bookBans are all about. Keep them #stupid, keep them in the dark, keep them enmeshed in an #ideology that ensures his political #power.
#GOPfascists #GOPLies #RepublicansAreTheProblem #FloridaFascism
#desantis #library #florida #ignorant #misguided #population #control #bookBans #stupid #ideology #power #GOPfascists #goplies #republicansaretheproblem #floridafascism
We already knew it, but nice of Matt Gaetz to admit the impeachment effort for Biden is simply an attempt to tarnish Biden. An old GOP tactic: Benghazi, anyone?