The tattered notion that Rs must have any respect for the FBI’s independence has disintegrated completely. Now every FBI DIR: eminently fireable. That the FBI DIR must be a loyal MAGA apparatchik -now every bit as much party dogma as “Border weak” or “Taxes bad.
Since TFG left office -R Party’s ANTI-DEMOCRATIC TURN: ACCELERATED, but it's taken place quietly & deliberately -little media attention -benefit of planning +formation of a partywide consensus🚨 #GOPMob #LawlessGOP
@ampersine Republicans are vile, soulless creatures. They have no societal value and no redeeming qualities. The need to be voted into oblivion, before voting no longer matters. #GOPMob #Republicanshatekids #RepublicanDirtyTricks #Texas #RepublicanChristoFacists
#gopmob #republicanshatekids #republicandirtytricks #texas #republicanchristofacists
….. Tennessee Representative Justin Jones … new superstar … just got the boot … thanks to the republican mob … for protesting gun violence …
#JustinJones #GOPMob @Rhubarbarian