That Rep. Boebert's child is becoming a teen father is not the outstanding item here to me (though not a surprise).
It's her statement about sex ed classes teaching how to enjoy sex.
I'm REALLY sure that teens have been figuring out how to enjoy sex since the beginning of time (or close to it). Her son certainly seems to have figured it out as did she when she was a teenager.
#LaurenBoebert #GOPnuts #uspolitics
#LaurenBoebert #gopnuts #uspolitics
First off, all states (and probably the federal government) should be making sure no child under 16 can marry.
But, the GOP is using the same argument that was justification for Warren Jeffs and the FLDS.
This is their version of family values.
#childmarriage #GOP #GOPnuts #politics
#childmarriage #gop #gopnuts #politics
You mean African-American voters know that they are being targeted for voter suppression? Oh yeah, that's because they are smart.
BTW, you can substitute Georgia, Florida, Texas, etc with Wisconsin and the story is equally true.
The GOP is all about unequal access to voting since they can't win people over with actual ideas.
#Democracy #uspolitics #gopnuts
Hey, more proof that Sen. Cruz is a depraved fuck-head.
Unluckily, a ton of GOP "leaders" are of the same bent.
#Democracy #politics #uspolitics #GOPnuts
#Democracy #politics #uspolitics #gopnuts
Mike Pompeo is an ass. To say that the head of a teacher's union is more dangerous to America than the Chinese or NK despots is remarkably stupid and extreme.
Of course, Pompeo is the one who make kissing up the Putin the lead achievement of being Sec. of State.
#GOPnuts #fearmonger #awfulperson
#gopnuts #fearmonger #awfulperson