The ‘Domino Theory’ we see in Ukraine and that stems from Vietnam is part of a broader over-generalization manipulation tactic used by gov’t to promote rates of mental illness.
CJ Kilmer of Dangerous History on Tom Woods podcast!
Wer gerne #Transkriptionen für seinen #Podcast anbieten möchte, oder gerne andere Podcasts transkribiert hätte, für den ist dieses Tool von @ybaumy interessant.
Basierend auf #Whisper (#OpenSource #Spracherkennung von #OpenAI) kann man damit beim #Cloud-Anbieter seiner Wahl (#OVH, #Hetzner, #GCP) massenweise Podcasts transkribieren.
#transkription #podcast #whisper #opensource #spracherkennung #openai #cloud #ovh #hetzner #gcp #gopodcasting
I'd like to have a Ball. How many Boostagrams are in a dime-baggy? #GoPodcasting
@CarBlanez33 @Laurien Yesterday's Music, Jams, and Poetry Slams is available now!
Thank you everyone that participated and to those that boosted and helped produce
You're Jeff Goldblum
#mjaps #music #live #v4v #gopodcasting
#mjaps #music #live #v4v #gopodcasting Neben der Spur, Waasserstoff aus Afrika, mit Mick #podcast #wasserstoff #deutschland #süßwasser #entsalzung #afrika #namibia #angola #podcast #gopodcasting
#podcast #wasserstoff #deutschland #sußwasser #Entsalzung #afrika #namibia #angola #gopodcasting
Welcome back No Agenda Social!
Today, @SirBemrose and I had a gay old time on Grumpy Old Bens. Give it a listen!
I also released a new Randumb Thoughts. Less gay, but still fabulous!
Welcome back No Agenda Social!
Today, @SirBemrose and I had a gay old time on Grumpy Old Bens. Give it a listen!
I also released a new Randumb Thoughts. Less gay, but still fabulous!
This strike will isolate those podcasts that use writers. These will be podcasts I will not listen to even if they have valuable information. I am only interested in original independent media from people like you. #GoPodcasting
WGA on Strike
Millennial Media Offensive MMO# 66 – Quasi-Comedy Show@ 2:24:35
😈 @iammrrobot boosted 6666 sats
"Boost for the Nomads (Gen-X) that listen to MMO. we're still out here. #gopodcasting"
via Fountain
$7.80 Monoprice Stage Right Suspension Boom Scissor Broadcast Mic Stand
w/Integrated Mini-USB Cable $8.08
$9 Monoprice Desktop #Microphone #Stand w/Gooseneck & Solid Base
#GoPodcasting @darrenoneill @SirSpencer @ThatLARRYSHOW @SirBemrose @coldacid @PhoneBoy @NICKtheRAT @CSB
@Johncdvorak @adam One way to dampen those evil desk to microphone vibrations.
#microphone #stand #gopodcasting
Stalker kills podcaster... Seems that podcasters can now legally make an argument for 'cause' in acquiring a concealed weapon permit. I would cite this case for adequate legal protections for podcasters.
Nice to see my hosting provider making some moves …
Wish they would have added chapters but at least it’s getting talked about. @Lyceum you might be interested in this…
#podcasting2point0 #gopodcasting
Podcasting 2.0 PC2.0 124 Live March 4th 2023@ 0:38:59
✨✨🔥 Dreb Scott boosted 33333 sats
"Can I get a birthday shoutout? Today is my birthday. #GoPodcasting"
via Podverse
Podcasting 2.0 PC2.0 124 Live March 3d 2023@ 0:16:54
🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🔥 Dreb Scott boosted 22222 sats
"Loving the music! Need some health karma if you got it. Head cold and sinus congestion. Big temp swings here in San Diego County this week caused me to get sick. Last two days have been 31• here. That’s cold for San Diego coastal areas. #gopodcasting"
via Podverse
Bowl After Bowl
🔥 @dirty_jersey_whore boosted 19760 sats
"Question for Dave The Podsage Jones: I need you to settle the debate once and for all... A question that has been lingering unanswered since 1974.... A conundrum that has confounded citizens for centuries... Let us know... is it true that Birmingham is in fact The greatest city in Alabam' ? #ITB #GOPODCASTING"
via Fountain
@chriscoyier this reminds me - I need to finish migrating away from Apple Podcasts to Podverse.
@dave Chapters have been published for Episode 121, enjoy! Don't be a juice pouch; remember to BOOOOOOST! #GoPodcasting @adam
Podcasting 2.0 PC2.0 122 Live February 10th 2023@ 0:06:33
✨✨✨🔥🔥🔥 Dreb Scott boosted 333333 sats
"It’s been so long, waiting for a podcast like this! 🎶Don’t be a juice pouch! Donate! Support the index! #GoPodcasting 🤘🎸"
via Podverse
Millennial Media Offensive MMO #59 – Chicken in the PVC Plant@ 0:48:24
🎱🎱 @iammrrobot boosted 8008 sats
"dropping off some V4V before I head over to Larry's dumb kids bday party after we just quit the railroad gig. #GoPodcasting"
via Fountain