The GOP doesn't care about average Americans or the poor, they only care about their wealthy donors. They don't care about the deficit either unless they can use it to cut programs for average Americans so they can give more tax breaks and less regulations to the obscenely wealthy. The GOP don't create economic conditions that generate wealth for most Americans, just for the wealthy at the expense of the rest of us. The GOP gives their base culture war issues but little else, yet the base doesn't seem to mind. Crazy!

GOP’s Deficit Plan: Spoil the Rich, Starve the Kids

"Republicans are super-serious about fiscal responsibility. So they’re gutting food stamps and giving the ultra-rich more tax cuts.

I often criticize the modern GOP for its radicalized and weaponized cruelty. In the interest of being fair and balanced, let me pay them a rare pseudo-compliment. I grudgingly admire their relentless consistency around one issue which has the ability to unite both RINOs and MAGAs: They will never miss an opportunity to starve the poor in order to fatten and butter up the rich.
Cosplaying as deficit hawks, the GOP seeks to gut SNAP, along with other popular government programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, under the guise of reducing America’s $31 trillion debt they helped create (and which they only show concern over when they’re out of the White House). It doesn’t take much to see through the GOP’s cheap spandex and mask to reveal they’re economic terrorists currently hijacking the debt ceiling, and thereby potentially harming the global economy, just so they can cut popular welfare programs to give tax cuts to the wealthiest one percent.
Enter poor families and their children. They have always served as reliable tributes, rarely missed and easily forgotten. The expansion of SNAP benefits, one of the last standing COVID relief programs, serves as a lifeboat for these impoverished Americans who are barely surviving in a difficult economy with low wages, inflation, the lingering damages wrought by a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.

According to a report from the nonprofit research group, the Urban Institute, SNAP benefits kept 4.2 million people out of poverty and reduced poverty rates for children by 14 percent in the final quarter of 2021. The expanded benefits have already ended in 18 states, negatively affecting nine million people.

In an email to Axios, Moody’s economist Mark Zandi wrote that SNAP benefits have an overall positive impact on the economy, because they give money to families to buy groceries, and cutting them will have only a marginal impact on inflation. Specifically, “every $1 spent on SNAP currently generates about $1.42 in GDP.
Surely, the GOP can find something else to trim so our children can eat bread?

Perhaps a small little tuck from the defense budget is in order, considering the U.S. has the world’s most awesome and expansive military? Nope. Last year, Congress passed an $858 billion bill and increased the defense budget by 8 percent.

The “pro-life-as-long-as-you’re-in-the womb” GOP cares little for child poverty and homelessness, insisting that poor kids should pull themselves from their BabyBjorn bootstraps and stop whining and asking for “handouts,” such as the Child Tax Credit, which temporarily helped reduce the child poverty rate by 12 percent until it was iced by Republicans and moderate (obstructionist) Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin.

These supposed GOP “deficit hawks,” under the leadership of the spineless House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are allegedly so zealous about “balancing the budget” that they have no problem adding $3 trillion to the deficit to reward their gilded and privileged donor base—whose wealth has, historically, never “trickled down” but instead stayed at the top for the 1 percent.
This utter contempt for the poor is a feature, not a bug, of the GOP which also proclaims itself to be the party of God and uses Jesus as a gun-toting, white nationalist mascot instead of actually following his example of feeding the poor and helping the sick."

#gopinbedwiththerich #goprthetoolsoftherich #gophatesavgamericans

Last updated 2 years ago