The new WSJ poll showing positive data for #TFG is biased. FEC website: beginning of 2023, Fabrizio Lee & Assc has pocketed huge expenditures with the largest being $208K or "polling expenses & the least being $2,372.98 for "polling consultant expenses: travel. They've been on #TFG's payroll -his campaign paid their firm >$600K. #GOPSabotage #GOPLies
Republicans won't let Americans have anything nice, even if it'll help the economy. They plan to oust Pres Biden in 2024 by sabotaging #Bidenomics & his pro-American agenda: On Tues, Sens. Cassidy, Thune, & Cornyn led 14 of their GOP colleagues in introducing a bill that'd overturn Biden's new SAVE income-driven repayment planđ¨, formally launched in Aug to lower borrowers' monthly payments. Cassidy is the top Republican on the Sen EDU CMTE. #GOPLies #GOPSabotage #GOPGreed
#bidenomics #goplies #gopsabotage #gopgreed
đŠ¸state decisions imperil all Americans' rights: How the TX ban on mifepristone could jeopardize telemedicine for everyone: Just when we thought telemedicine & prescriptions by mail were established, some states have begun to run interferenceđ¨. In efforts to ban abortion by restricting the delivery of a single medication, mifepristone, weâre witnessing a major flaw & recognizing #telemedicine has a technology & jurisdictional problem. #TeleHealth #Healthcare #GOPSabotage
#telemedicine #telehealth #healthcare #gopsabotage
Republicans are gaslighting the public: They're pursuing the case with vigor, but Comer undercuts the findings of his investigation by hyping what has been found claims there were>20 shell companies, but upon inspection most of the companies named had legitimate bus transactions or investments -claims the Bidens received >$20M from foreign sources, leaving off the caveat in the staff reports that 2/3 of the payments went to H Bidenâs bus partnersđ¨... #GOPSabotage #GOPLies
The #GOPDeathCult: Weaponizing Imagined Victimhood Has Real Awful Consequences: Republicans are subverting crises narratives to portray themselves as victims. And it is literally killing the people most in need of our attention and aid.
#GOPSabotage #GOPLies
#gopdeathcult #gopsabotage #goplies
GOP operatives pay to get their messages mainstreamed. And many more Republican canvassers are paid than Dem canvassers: A new co is secretly recruiting #GenZ influencers to defend Ken Paxton & promote a QAnon-adjacent movie. Meet Influenceable, a "network of digital activists" with ties to a far-right Texas billionaires and Trump's 2020 campaign chair. #GOPSabotage #GOPCorruption
#genz #gopsabotage #gopcorruption
The #GOPDeathCult leaders are resp. Who's next group tođ?: Racism is at the heart of the USGâs failure to tackle the growing threat of deadly heatwaves, acc to the author of a new book on the heating planetđĽđ. Goodell: POC, incl. millions of migrant workers who're bearing the brunt of record-breaking temps. as farmhands, builders & delivery workers - aren't guaranteed lifesaving measures like water & shade breaks bc they're considered EXPENDABLEđ¨. #GOPRacism #GOPSabotage
#gopdeathcult #gopracism #gopsabotage
Republicans want to weaken the IRS for their wealthy donors by slashing funding. If passed in the House, the Senate will likely reject it, but if they were to win the Senate in 2024, programs may have to be scrapped bc the IRS would've difficulty collecting tax revenues, the wealthy would likely not be audited...: GOPâs initial proposals under several appropriations bills would slash $67Bđ¨of the $80B total windfall the IRS received from the IRA last summer. #GOPSabotage
Another dangerous RW operative: On Hanania's podcast, he's interviewed: S Pinker, M Andreessen, E Musk, P Thiel... Rich benefactors, some of whose identities are unknown, have funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into a think tank run by Hanania which doles out cash to conservative academics. He maintains a creepy obsession with so-called race science, arguing that Black people are inherently more prone to violent crime than white people. #GOPRascism #GOPSabotage
Racism isn't a bug, it's a feature, embraced by the #GOPDeathCult. Republicans are whitewashing history & eliminating DEI: Hurd, Scott +other GOP apologists are in denial: Editing racial history, minimizing the impact of slavery, exaggerating White victimhood, venerating the Confederacy & minimizing Black voting power are central to the current GOPâs ID. DeSantis isn't the problem; heâs an example of a party deformed & debased by white nationalism. #GOPRacism #GOPSabotage
#gopdeathcult #gopracism #gopsabotage
Good news for democracy: MIâs Republican party is broke. MN's was, until recently, down to $53.81 in the bank. & in CO, the GOP is facing eviction from its office this month bc it canât make rent. State R party apparatuses -once bastions of competency that helped produce statehouse takeovers -shells of their former selves: infighting, lack of organization, Pro-Trump activists capturing party leadership posts... #GOPLies #GOPSabotage #BidenHarris2034 #VoteBlue2024
#goplies #gopsabotage #bidenharris2034 #VoteBlue2024
Fitch didn't blame Republicans, who're responsible. & #J6 >2.5 yrs ago. The RW power grab is evident everywhere: Fitch informed Biden admin officials: #J6 was a factor in its decision to downgrade bc it indicated an unstable govtđ¨. Fitch produced a report last yr that showed govt stability declined from 2018-21, but increased since Biden assumed the presidency. Another factor -expects a mild recession in the final 3 months of 2023 & early next year *debunked. #GOPSabotage
Biden decides to keep Space Command in Colorado, overturning Trump decision to move it to Alabama, officials tell AP. -Seung Min Kim
Tuberville & McConnell got what they deserved, but they'll likely retaliate. Will they continue to block the military appointments or do something else to harm Pres Biden & the Democrats? #GOPSabotage
Doctors inđŠ¸states nationwide are mobilizing against the politicians who're instigating abortion bans & working to create a just & safe environment for pregnant ppl & their doctors: In many states, the fight to protect reproductive rights is heating up as 14 states have outlawed abortion. Doctors who previously never mixed work with politics are jumping into the abortion debate by lobbying state lawmakers, campaigning, forming PACs... #AbortionIsHC #GOPLies #GOPSabotage
#abortionishc #goplies #gopsabotage
McCarthy is a traitor to America & he's actively advocating for voter suppression, esp. for Black Americans: The map drawing process has been closely watched by many in DC, where redistricting battles playing out in the courts in AL, NY, NC, GS, TX & other states could decide control of Congress. SOH McCarthyđ¨, Sen Tuberville +much of the rest of ALs congressional delegation had reached out to GOP legislators, acc to AL GOP SOH Ledbetter. #GOPSabotage #GOPFascism #GOPLies
#gopsabotage #gopfascism #goplies
GOP SCJ's truly believe they're above the law, & possibly 'chosen by God': Justice Alito tells the WSJ that Congress has no business policing SCOTUS. "I know this is a conÂtroÂverÂsial view, but Iâm willÂing to say it... No proÂviÂsion in the ConÂstiÂtuÂtion gives them the auÂthorÂity to regÂuÂlate the Supreme CourtâpeÂriod." #LawlessGOP #CorruptGOP #CorruptSC #GOPSabotage
#lawlessgop #corruptgop #corruptsc #gopsabotage
Republicans are mobsters -used #TFG so they could employ mob tactics to assert power: When losing the fight -resort to sabotaging democracy itself -abortion, CC or gun safety *on the wrong side of popular opinion -don't adjust positions -often abandon democracy *eg TN Rsâ expulsion of 2 Black lawmakers protesting for gun safety -employ tactics such as red-state voting-suppression measures. Dems must protect fundamental democratic rights such as ballot acc... #GOPSabotage
Republicans & their enablers are responsible for the threats of violence on MOC bc they're blaming Dems for a myriad of things -all falsehoods, so the Capital Police has to open another office to protect them -they're already in FL & CA: US Capitol Police to open Texas field office, citing rising threats against members of Congress #GOPLies #GOPSabotage #GOPTerrorists
#goplies #gopsabotage #gopterrorists
Keep'm stupid in Texas: Appointed by Gov Abbott's COM of EDU to sabotage EDU in Houston -a dem stronghold: Houston INDEP SD will be eliminating librarian positions at 28 schools this upcoming year & converting libraries into âTeam Centersâ where kids with behavioral issues will be sent -part of the new SUPT Miles reform program, New EDU System. Currently, there are a total of 85 schools that have joined Milesâ program, -28 campuses will lose their librarians. #GOPSabotage
One of the few successes of the GW Bush administration was PREPAR, a program for HIV/AIDS patients, that saved millions of lives in Africa. But many Republicans are poised to vote against reauthorizing PREPAR bc they're accusing the org. of supporting abortion. Their culture wars are endangering lives in the US, & possibly in Africa: Republican groups such as The Heritage FND, Susan B Anthony List, and the Family Research Council are urging HSE Rs to vote no. #GOPSabotage