LOL. #GOPShitShow
Vivek Ramaswamy Gets Schooled In Foreign Policy By ... Brian Kilmeade? Brian Kilmeade.
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Thank you @RepAdanSchiff & @HouseDemocrats
It is indeed a Badge of Honor to so terrify #GOPTraitors all theycan do is throw tantrums
Thank you for brilliantly exposing the never ending #GOPShitShow
#VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #gopshitshow #goptraitors
Don't say we didn't warn you that for 2 yrs (unless DOJ & GA get off their asses & start indicting #GOPTraitors)
All We the People would see was a #GOPShitShow watching them fling their feces, hurling lies, spewing hypocrisy & violating their Oaths of office daily
#voteoutallgop #gopshitshow #goptraitors
Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) can only read four pages every hour. Most people walk faster than this. Pass it on. #RepRaphNorman #SouthCarolina #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPClownShow #GOPShitShow #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #gopshitshow #gopclownshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition #southcarolina #repraphnorman
Truly…Is this a surprise to anyone? The American people really need to start paying attention before the #GOPShitShow turns us into a modern day U. S. S. R. but with more money.
Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) is trying to hold out on the debt limit now, when he should really be shutting the fuck up.
He's a traitor who should charged with sedition and to serve the full 20 years in prison. #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPClownShow #GOPShitShow #RaphNorman #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #raphnorman #gopshitshow #gopclownshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition
Who gives a fuck what Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) thinks? It was one thing when he was just a sexist racist who made jokes about Ruth Ginsburg getting raped, defended racist Steve King, fought mask mandates, and tried to remove teaching of Critical Race Theory. But urging Trump to declare martial law to prevent Biden from taking office?
He needs to be charged with sedition and to serve the full 20 years in prison. #GOPSedition #GOPInDisarray #GOPShitShow #RaphNorman #WhySCCantHaveNiceThings
#whysccanthavenicethings #raphnorman #gopshitshow #gopindisarray #GOPSedition
MTG: “Well, here’s what’s happening in our conference. We’re not sweating this at all. No one is freaking out,” she said of Republicans in Congress. “No one is concerned about this mystery date that Janet Yellen has thrown out, like it’s going to actually crash America.” #ImpeachThisBitch #GOPShitShow
#impeachthisbitch #gopshitshow
And now back to our regularly scheduled doom and gloom forecast brought to you by the #GOPShitShow
This is how you stand up for #Democracy against the radicalized #GOPShitShow! Keep up the good work @katiehobbs
And a hearty, resounding #FuckThatGuy to the Montana #GOPShitShow!
Here we go…The fact that this “person” is allowed anywhere near the US House of Representatives is astonishing to me. Her and her ilk damned well better be voted out, or at least out of the majority, in the next election or we are all in serious trouble. #GOPShitShow
With regards to the north Texas mall shooting: Tell me you don’t give a fuck about your citizens without telling me you don’t give a fuck about your citizens…..#GOPShitShow
What’s that old saying about rats on sinking ships? #MeidasTouchNetwork #MeidasTouch #GOPShitShow
#meidastouchnetwork #meidastouch #gopshitshow
“…Robinson called the students protesting “spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN” who “are trying to tell law abiding ADULTS that we must give up our Constitutional RIGHT to own certain weapons….” #gopshitshow
He did t even win his election and already doing shady shit. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by anything coming out of the #GOPShitShow anymore.
This is what the #GOPShitShow considers #ProLife these days. 🤦♂️
Way to go Florida! You’ve always made us look bad to the rest of the world but now you’re taking it to even higher levels. Congratulations!
How do these people sleep at night with all that hate coursing through their veins? 🤦♂️ #GOPShitShow