GOP Works to Preserve Tax Cut That Has Delivered $67 Billion to Top Corporations
#GOPTaxCut #TopCorporations #PreservingTaxCut #TaxCutBenefits #CorporateTaxCuts #TaxCutImpact #Politics #News
#goptaxcut #topcorporations #preservingtaxcut #taxcutbenefits #corporatetaxcuts #taxcutimpact #politics #news
Americans fight for fetuses no matter the situation. After birth they are revenue stream for the corporations. Society and it's representative government doesn't care about them anymore with any basic help necessary.
There is little room for compassion in American capitalism. Most cruel among developed Western countries. It is shameful.
#AmericanShame #compassion #childcare #taxcuts #corporations #goptaxcut #ProlifeHypocrisy
#americanshame #compassion #childcare #taxcuts #corporations #goptaxcut #prolifehypocrisy