"Lumpy Pillows" was a great Don Ho hit!
#goptraitors #lumpypillows #tinybubbles #mikelindell
It is time for all #GOPTraitors to face justice
It is an essential step to hold them accountable for aiding & abetting a violent coup that killed 5, injured 100s & caused $2+M in damages
They KNEW #TrumpLost
They did not care
#indictallgoptraitors #TrumpLOST #goptraitors
Dean Obeidallah is right.
‘Donald Trump MUST Die In Jail!’ Liberal Host Says Example Must Be Set To Prevent Another Coup 09-SEP-2023 #TrumpIsACriminal #GOPTraitors #GOP #TrumpFascist #TrumpTraitor #donaldtrump #TrumpRapist #TrumpLies #Russia #TrumpRacist #TrumpLoser #Fascism #BunkerBoy #terrorism #Coup #ArrestTrumpNow #RussianAsset https://www.mediaite.com/radio/donald-trump-must-die-in-jail-liberal-host-dean-obeidallah-says-example-must-be-set-to-prevent-another-coup/
#russianasset #ArrestTrumpNOW #coup #terrorism #BunkerBoy #Fascism #TrumpLoser #trumpracist #Russia #trumplies #TrumpRapist #DonaldTrump #TrumpTraitor #TrumpFascist #gop #goptraitors #trumpisacriminal
Trump is a Russian asset...or Russia is a Trump asset.
#StopTrumpNow #EndTheGOP #Russia #Trump #GOPTraitors
Russia Helps Trump by Refusing to Remove Doxxing of at Least 23 Georgia Jurors https://www.politicususa.com/2023/09/08/russia-doxxing-georgia-jurors.html
#goptraitors #Trump #Russia #endthegop #stoptrumpnow
Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro detailed the “Green Bay Sweep” he organized with “over 100 congressmen” to keep Trump in office—on live television and in his book! #GOPTraitors #PeteNavarro #ArrestTheGOP #TedCruz #PaulGosar #GreenBaySweep #GOPCoup
Trump Adviser Worried He’s Not Getting Enough Credit for Trying to Ruin American Democracy 28-DEC-2021 https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jan6-peter-navarro-ted-cruz-green-bay-sweep-1276742/
#gopcoup #greenbaysweep #paulgosar #tedcruz #arrestthegop #petenavarro #goptraitors
Oh, I've gotta think that Marsha Blackburn would make a much better VP than Kristi Noem!
#GOPTraitors #GOPIdiots #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive #KristiNoem #MarshaBlackburn
#marshablackburn #kristinoem #voteblueifyouwanttolive #gopidiots #goptraitors
Here’s a nice puff piece about Vivek Ramaswamy, LOL.
#VivekRamaswamy #GOP #NeverRamaswamy2024 #GOPTraitors #EnemiesOfDemocracy
Democracy’s Assassins Always Have Accomplices 08-SEP-2023 | GIFT LINK | https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/08/opinion/trump-republicans-spain-brazil.html?unlocked_article_code=JmWK04P2o8jToxF4O42ABwLff3A6M9OiT245v3edSIGZBEQYMLe4EJ6HHlywelTJxPOF-m25YxmKiDMpCI6hu60u_dZeg2Fy9VUdVK2M1DJpuBcdRCPqctxb0oQL7S8Dj6309No4qhblMmH4ZidFiK7IMbYGpUmJbwZsORclRVsRrO7hX8XkKTWSABLbXx3X2878MmRB_InrGkj2hnLJx5ZcCE9MScsqXVcpKwVWa0RpRpgWrS3eHY3J36aFXWeeDZR2elORAhzLCtbNMwKjduPkhUeGNCs39s9EPttXZNF80rdb2mdRv3zd6bQNFA7VkyflQIg0XG0xFXoVGlpZMI90OL8QB0O0&smid=url-share
#enemiesofdemocracy #goptraitors #neverramaswamy2024 #gop #vivekramaswamy
Vivek Ramaswamy is out of his fucking mind.
#VivekRamaswamy #GOP #NeverRamaswamy2024 #GOPTraitors #EnemiesOfDemocracy
Vivek Ramaswamy to call for end to US support for Ukraine and Nato exit from Eastern Europe 02-JUN-2023 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/vivek-ramaswamy-2024-president-russia-nato-b2350335.html
#enemiesofdemocracy #goptraitors #neverramaswamy2024 #gop #vivekramaswamy
A burgeoning movement to remove the former president from the ballot in 2024 is forging ahead—with the Supreme Court as its final destination. #DisqualifyTrump #GOPTraitors #VoteBlue
It’s Time to Take Trump’s Disqualification From the Presidency Seriously https://newrepublic.com/article/175448/trump-disqualification-14th-amendment-clause
#VoteBlue #goptraitors #disqualifytrump
Gym Jordan is a very special kind of stupid. #GymJordan #GOPClowns #GOPStupid #GOPTraitors
#goptraitors #gopstupid #gopclowns #gymjordan
Time for #GOPTraitors Lindsey Graham, Kelly Loeffler & David Perdue to face justice:
This would be an essential & critical step in beginning to hold all #GOPTraitors accountable for aiding & abetting a violent coup that killed 5, injured 100s & caused over $2M in damages
They ALL know #TrumpLost but they did not care
#indictallgoptraitors #TrumpLOST #goptraitors
Just a mere 1,517 days until America can #VoteTubervilleOut!
#gopmorons #goptraitors #endtommytuberville #votetubervilleout
We know Jack Smith’s investigations are ongoing
I sure hope Jack Smith & DOJ are fully investigating why @ChuckGrassley put this out
What did he know & how involved was he & the rest of the #GOPTraitors in setting up & carrying out the #FakeElectors Scheme & #Jan6thInsurrection
#indictthemall #Jan6thInsurrection #fakeelectors #goptraitors
Occam’s Razor-
the simplest explanation is usually the correct one
Why is Tommy “Tumorville” holding up all military promotions?
Ask his owners
“Mar-a-Lago IT worker Yuscil Taveras has struck a cooperation agreement with the special counsel’s office in the federal case over former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents,” CNN reports.
“The filing marks the first public acknowledgment that special counsel Jack Smith has won the cooperation of key witnesses as part of his prosecution of Trump, his longtime valet Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos de Oliveira.”
#NotSoProudBoys will have a very long time in prison contemplating what they did
Useful idiots who joined #TrumpsTerrorists but guess who will never see them unless he & the rest of the #GOPTraitors end up sharing cells with them
#JusticeMatters #lockthemallup #goptraitors #trumpsterrorists #notsoproudboys
The traitors are easy to spot. #MattGaetz #FuckMattGaetz #GOP #GOPTraitors #VoteBlue
Matt Gaetz pushes censure vote for Judge Chutkan after she sets Trump's trial date for March https://www.rawstory.com/judge-tanya-chutkan-2664550398/
#VoteBlue #goptraitors #gop #fuckmattgaetz #mattgaetz
My favorite images the past week & the insanity of @MAGAMorons -
"We will raise an army & fight for Trump" while at the same time:
Trump & his fellow #GOPTraitors already SURRENDERED!
#trumpforprison #lockthemallup #goptraitors
Damn, I was really hoping for a runner.
#Georgia #FultonCounty #SurrenderDay #Trump #GOPTraitors
All Trump co-defendants have surrendered in Georgia https://www.msnbc.com/jose-diaz-balart/watch/all-trump-co-defendants-have-surrendered-in-georgia-191594565597
#goptraitors #Trump #surrenderday #fultoncounty #Georgia
In case you can't get enough of this, like me...
#GOPTraitors #Mugshots #Georgia #FultonCounty
Photos: Georgia co-defendants turn themselves in https://www.politico.com/gallery/2023/08/24/georgia-election-case-mugshots-00112748?slide=0
#fultoncounty #Georgia #mugshots #goptraitors