Pooja A Gor remembers her 'Kedarnath' co-star SSR: 'Wherever he is, I hope he is happy' #Pooja #Gor #Kedarnath #SSR # #I #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #i #SSR #Kedarnath #gor #Pooja
Still hilarious that "Outlaw of Gor" makes a big deal about Cabot being 100% against slavery.
🇵🇱 To była ciekawa inauguracja sezonu żużlowego. W #TOR było blisko sensacji, bo #GOR miał realną szansę. Mecz w #GRU to popis #Pedersen, a #CZE spodziewałem się mocniejszej. W #LES świetny mecz i szkoda #KRO, bo zasłużyli ma chociaż remis.
#tor #gor #gru #pedersen #cze #les #kro
🇬🇧 It was an interesting inauguration of the #speedway season. In #TOR it was close to a sensation, because #GOR had a real chance. The match in #GRU was a show by #Pedersen, and I expected #CZE to be stronger. In #LES a great match and a shame about Krosno, because they deserved at least a draw.
#speedway #tor #gor #gru #pedersen #cze #les
Neu auf burks.de: https://www.burks.de/burksblog/2023/03/18/enkara-fair-revisited #SecondLife #enkara #fantasy #roleplaying #gor
#gor #roleplaying #fantasy #enkara #secondlife
RT @Remi_Hascoet@twitter.com
Cet homme est radieux. Déjà, ce soir 20h sur http://twitch.tv/mistermv c'est le retour de #GoR. Ensuite, il porte un t-shirt fait avec amour. Comment avoir le votre ? Laissez ici un message câlin pour #gameofroles (stop à 23h puis tirage). RT par amour de la compétition @Gofroles@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Remi_Hascoet/status/1613501864997228547
#LFG #TTRPG I miss playing terribly, so if there are any groups looking for players on a weekday, around 1600-2000 UTC, like once a month or every other week... Online or in the Cologne/Bonn area... I generally *prefer* #Mature #Realistic #HardSciFi
#EclipsePhase #Cyberpunk2020 #CyberpunkRed #TalesFromTheLoop #ThingsFromTheFlood #Alien #Kult #Ratten #Degenesis #Numenera #Vampire #Shadowrun #Firefly #Pathfinder #DandD #ADandD #Gor #DSA #TheDarkEye #Fudge #GURPS
#lfg #ttrpg #mature #realistic #hardscifi #english #german #eclipsephase #cyberpunk2020 #cyberpunkred #TalesFromTheLoop #thingsfromtheflood #alien #kult #Ratten #degenesis #numenera #vampire #shadowrun #firefly #pathfinder #dandd #adandd #gor #dsa #thedarkeye #fudge #gurps