GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
41 followers · 535 posts · Server


I acknowledge it’s true, both from your Harvard document & other documents I’ve read on this, that there was never any formal treaty or agreement between the & the which forbade any eastward expansion of post unification.

Reality is, though, that Hedges isn’t “repeating ’s lie about a broken *promise* not to expand NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany” simply because it wasn’t a lie!

While I am fundamentally NOT condoning Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, it is nonetheless verifiably true that verbal promises *were* made to by Secretary of State James during a Feb 9, 1990 meeting:

I draw your attention to the section of this ⤵️ Politifact document entitled: "Not shift 1 inch eastward"

[Extracted from]

“After explaining why the U.S. wanted the reunited Germany to stay within the framework of NATO, Baker told Gorbachev that "if we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO's jurisdiction for forces of NATO 1 inch to the east."

"I put the following question to (Gorbachev)," Baker recounted in a letter to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. "‘Would you prefer to see a united Germany outside of NATO, independent and with no U.S. forces, or would you prefer a unified Germany to be tied to NATO, with assurances that NATO’s jurisdiction would not shift 1 inch eastward from its present position?’"

Those comments, along with similar remarks from Baker’s European allies, like Genscher and Kohl, were part of what researchers at George Washington University’s National Security Archive called a "cascade of assurances" offered to the Soviets.

But Baker and other officials involved in the events have denied that the conversation ever turned on expanding NATO to other countries.”

#us #sovietunion #nato #german #putin #gorbachev #baker

Last updated 1 year ago

GhostOnTheHalfShell · @GhostOnTheHalfShell
1582 followers · 5913 posts · Server

Vlad Vexler

Why Russia Rejected Freedom (Gorbachev)

17 min video

A compelling history of the Gorbachev and his handling of the end of the USSR and of the man himself compared to the current leader of Russia.

#russia #gorbachev #ussr #putin #history

Last updated 1 year ago

Tim Mak · @timkmak
19467 followers · 1672 posts · Server

Another MP and dissident, Yaroslav Kendzor, explains why. He says that after the failure of the 1991 coup in against , many republics decided to break away.

However, in almost every parliament, the communists had a majority, and was no exception.

Therefore, before voting for the Act of Independence of Ukraine, it was necessary to obtain the support of the Communists, who did not want the collapse of the USSR and the creation of other sovereign states.

#Moscow #gorbachev #soviet #ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
5796 followers · 5767 posts · Server

Momentous events happened 32 years ago in the aftermath of the 1991 coup: two days after 's return from his house arrest in in , he resigned as the general secretary of the party, the

In (back then Kiev) the Rada of adopted the  Act and called for a referendum in support of it - the country is marking its main state holiday today

#otd #soviet #gkchp #gorbachev #foros #crimea #communist #cpsu #kyiv #ukraine #independence

Last updated 1 year ago

Bill · @bill
259 followers · 166 posts · Server

The hardest ending to get in Street Fighter II is also the most rewarding.

#crtgaming #snes #gorbachev

Last updated 1 year ago

· @MaximilianBlum
30 followers · 148 posts · Server

@OlyaOliker @togoepfert "if Moscow, which has long been vocal about Ukrainian NATO membership being a red line, views admission itself as an act of war." NATO was founded to combat . What is the reason of being still alive since 1991? Was there any reason for or or even in the early 2000ths to *trust* NATO not to see Russia still as a potential enemy? Might this be one of the reasons that we failed to ensure peace in europe?

#gorbachev #yeltsin #Putin #moscow

Last updated 1 year ago

Lynton North · @RedGreenLibre
248 followers · 4206 posts · Server
Steve S · @Steve98052
13 followers · 386 posts · Server

I have another idea for en alternate history with an enduring Soviet Union:

Instead of the Glasnost process leading to collapse under the weight of corruption and the strength of resistance to oppression, alternate Gorbachev purges the corruption -- first in Poland, as a test case -- and reforms the economy and government to become sustainable.

#alternatehistory #sovietunion #gorbachev

Last updated 2 years ago

AngharadHafod · @AngharadHafod
1288 followers · 4093 posts · Server

Margaret opposed German , going so far as to ask to increase troops in East in an attempt to stop it happening.
History is weird, but it's also strange how we either knew nothing of this, or simply forgot it.

#germany #ussr #gorbachev #reunification #thatcher

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Practice · @PeterPractice
38 followers · 206 posts · Server

Wish they’d elect a like . Let me explain: Guy rises through the ranks and once in power at the top of the institution, declares its . Ends the , returns the stolen and pays to the abused children. Wouldn’t that be great?

#restitution #ReligionPoisonsEverything #christopherhitchens #Pope #gorbachev #dissolution #nonsense #Assets

Last updated 2 years ago

mohansus · @mohansus
194 followers · 128 posts · Server

Is the "imminent" of the "spark" which lights a in the ?

Remember, the as we know now is the of the of the 1860s, when as now, "existential" questions were "resolved" by force.

The combination of , , and of those "left behind" by and the is a "lethal" , that can burst any moment.

Is another ?

#arrest #DonaldTrump #second #civilwar #UnitedStates #us #incarnation #first #race #RoeVWade #rage #globalization #services #boom #cocktail #JoeBiden #gorbachev

Last updated 2 years ago

0 followers · 775 posts · Server

@icij @hrw The way that and were able to develop such close ties with Russia and was through the common intrest of predation. Russia needed money. The U.S. needed access to Russia's mind control program intel, hence the unholy alliance was formed. Star Wars was used as a cover. I was trafficked to Russia my entire childhood. Like I said, Putin has receipts. #46 admin needs to tell the , stop escalating, scapegoating @icij @hrw

#ronaldreagan #ghwbush #donaldrumsfeld #gorbachev #truth #pandorasbox

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Practice · @PeterPractice
22 followers · 28 posts · Server

Wish they’d elect a like .

Let me explain: Guy rises through the ranks and once in power at the top of the institution, declares its . Ends the , returns the stolen and pays to the abused children. Wouldn’t that be great?

#Pope #gorbachev #dissolution #nonsense #Assets #restitution #ReligionPoisonsEverything #christopherhitchens

Last updated 2 years ago

@timforgot I've always seen as a state rather than just going through a fascist period. was less fascist than the rest but he had a much world view.

#russia #fascist #gorbachev #broader

Last updated 2 years ago

mohansus · @mohansus
181 followers · 84 posts · Server

Is another ?

It sure looks like the is approaching an "inflection" point with the , video, and the never ending with and all that.

Will be the or the unable to prevent the slide of the into ?

I suppose we would know by .

#JoeBiden #gorbachev #UnitedStates #debtceiling #crisis #tyrenichols #culture #wars #RoeVWade #biden #healer #helpless #President #us #anarchy #fall2023

Last updated 2 years ago

Paranoid Factoid · @ParanoidFactoid
1046 followers · 4383 posts · Server

No such event or agreement ever took place. determined this by looking through archives of documents. As well as archives. And speaking with the players, including and then Secretary of State .

It had been archived at the wayback machine, repeatedly all the way back to 2014. However, I just checked and all archive records prior to the Foreign Affairs paywall having been introduced have NOW BEEN REMOVED.

#Sarotte #russian #us #gorbachev #JimBaker

Last updated 2 years ago

Peter Practice · @PeterPractice
18 followers · 260 posts · Server

I wish they’d elect a like .

Let me explain: Guy rises through the ranks and once in power at the top of the institution, declares its . Ends the , returns the stolen and pays to the abused children. Wouldn’t that be great?

#pope #gorbachev #dissolution #nonsense #assets #Restitution

Last updated 2 years ago

Dori Smith · @thedorismith
180 followers · 75 posts · Server
Max Hertzberg 🤟 · @maxhertzberg
154 followers · 131 posts · Server

1922 To mark the foundation of the , the @guardian has put together a fascinating selection of photos and propaganda pictures from each epoch: and his disappearing comrades, , , and .

#otd #ussr #stalin #vietnam #afghanistan #gorbachev #chernobyl

Last updated 2 years ago