Erst mal Abendessen... 😋
#spaghetti #gorgonzola #blattspinat #tomaten
#spaghetti #gorgonzola #blattspinat #tomaten
RT @Rueckrufportal
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | ACHTUNG #LISTERIEN in 'K-FAVOURITES #Gorgonzola DOP mild' von #KAUFLAND > KEINESFALLS ESSEN! U. U. #LEBENSGEFAHR für best. Personengruppen, bei Schwangerschaft SOFORT zum Arzt (PDF)
Weitere aktuelle Meldungen:
#lebensgefahr #kaufland #gorgonzola #listerien #warnung #ruckruf
Das feinste* am #Gorgonzola ist die Rinde, oder?
*Hochdeutsch: Schmackhaft, lecker
Waiting for my appointment with the office nurse to take a blood sample for the yearly checks.
I could not have breakfast, so
I could do with a bite of this...
#tomatorelish #gorgonzola #focaccia #foodporn
#IF (and #IT's a #BIG #IF) you don't want to use either:
- #Gorgonzola; or,
- #Stilton...
You could use a #NiceCambozola, instead... Or...
#IT depends on #YourBudget and #YourPreferences, and #SubjectToAvailability - just like #EverythingElse
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#if #it #big #gorgonzola #stilton #nicecambozola #justmakesomethingelse #yourbudget #yourpreferences #subjecttoavailability #everythingelse
#IF (and #IT's a #BIG #IF) you don't want to use either:
- #Gorgonzola; or,
- #Stilton...
You could use a #NiceCambozola, instead... Or...
#IT depends on #YourBudget, and #YourPreferences, and #SubjectToAvailability - just like #EverythingElse
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#if #it #big #gorgonzola #stilton #nicecambozola #justmakesomethingelse #yourbudget #yourpreferences #subjecttoavailability #everythingelse
To #Make: #KimChiAndNiceCheeseEnchiladas; you will need:
- #Tortillas (not #Pancakes);
- #KimChi; and,
- #NiceCheese
Don't be #Tempted to use #HorribleCheese; because it's #Horrible... I don't even know why #People make #HorribleCheese; it's #Horrible...
#Anyways - #NiceCheese could be a creamy #Gorgonzola or #Stilton...
You will also need:
- #OtherStuff; and/or,
- #Things
You will also need to know:
- #Where you are; and,
- #Where you're #Going...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#make #kimchiandnicecheeseenchiladas #tortillas #pancakes #kimchi #nicecheese #tempted #horriblecheese #horrible #people #anyways #gorgonzola #stilton #otherstuff #things #where #going
#Mittagstisch Hühnchen BBQ, #Kimchi, Seetang, #Sprite Zero und #Penne #Gorgonzola mit #Spinat, Glas #Wein #lecker
#Mittagstisch #kimchi #sprite #penne #gorgonzola #Spinat #Wein #lecker
We have
- Cheeses #Gorgonzola #Mozarella #Chevre #Emmental
- #Champignons
- #Tuna
- #Kapers
- #Anchovi
- #Pesto
- #Onions
- #Tomatoes
and the famous @senzilla #TomatoSauce and #PizzaDough
Red #Fitou Wine from Marie and Laurent Maynadier (oh they need a Mastodon Account🙄)
#gorgonzola #mozarella #chevre #emmental #champignons #tuna #kapers #anchovi #pesto #onions #tomatoes #tomatosauce #pizzadough #fitou #pizzasaturday
Ho chiesto a #ChatGPT di darmi tre buone ragioni per visitare #Sondrio. La risposta che ho ricevuto contiene ben quattro errori:
1. L'Adamello non e' vicino a Sondrio. Infatti si trova in provincia di Brescia.
2. A Sondrio c'è un interessante museo di Storia e Arte ma non una Galleria Civica d'Arte.
3. Nessun castello di San Giorgio a Sondrio o nelle vicinanze.
4. Il buonissimo #gorgonzola non e' un formaggio valtellinese.
Conclusione: quando usate ChatGPT per temi verticali, siate cauti!
Do Gorgons like Gorgonzola?
Did Gorgons invent Gorgonzola?
We've sent many reporters in to interview Medusa, but unfortunately none have returned.
#greekmyth #BlueCheese #gorgonzola #gorgon
Do Gorgons like Gorgonzola?
Did Gorgons invent Gorgonzola?
We've sent many reporters in to interview Medusa, but unfortunately none have returned.
#greekmyth #BlueCheese #gorgonzola #gorgon
Pears with Gorgonzola
Pears Chocolate Tartlets
Gorgonzola and Pears Risotto
If you really want to try one and can't read the text from the image, I can post text somewhere and DM it to you.
#food #recipe #recipes #cooking #chestnuts #pears #gorgonzola #chocolate @GettingCooked @SamiOh @Therealdcgirl @Laurien
#food #recipe #recipes #cooking #chestnuts #pears #gorgonzola #chocolate
Playing the really fun #Leftovers game of is it #Mold or is it just the #Gorgonzola. I'm betting on gorgonzola.
Ich mache eine #Suppe mit #Sellerie, #Birnen, #Kartoffeln und #Gorgonzola. 😋
Mal wieder das #Rezept nicht zu Ende gelesen.
Warum in Gottes Namen soll ich Kartoffeln und Birnen in Würfel schneiden, und den Stangensellerie in feine Stifte, wenn am Ende, nach dem weich kochen in #Gemüsebrühe, sowieso alles mit dem Pürierstab zerkleinert wird? 🤷🏻
#gemusebruhe #rezept #gorgonzola #kartoffeln #birnen #sellerie #Suppe
Okay, it’s a new start, a new day, and I can finally get my message out without being “shadowbanned” or “cancelled.” Cheese. There needs to be more of it. Thank you. #cheese #makemorecheese #gouda #cheddar #gorgonzola
#gorgonzola #cheddar #gouda #makemorecheese #cheese
Allarme listeria nel gorgonzola Dop di Eurospin: attenzione a questo lotto da non consumare #18Ottobre #Allertealimentari #eurospin #gorgonzola #listeria #telegram
#telegram #listeria #gorgonzola #Eurospin #Allertealimentari #18Ottobre
Gorgonzola. Per far del male e vivere alle spalle degli altri usava di tutto. Persino il cavatappi. Arrestato dai carabinieri #06Ottobre #Gorgonzola #Milanocittàmetropolitana
#Milanocittàmetropolitana #gorgonzola #06Ottobre