Eine russische Fregatte, die Admiral #Gorshkov, kam Anfang dieser Woche in #Kapstadt an und trug die Buchstaben Z und V auf ihren Seiten, Buchstaben, die russische Waffen an der Front in der Ukraine kennzeichnen und in Russland als patriotisches Symbol verwendet werden.
#Demonstranten, die gegen die Übungen sind, am Freitag vor dem russischen Konsulat in Kapstadt demonstrieren.
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#demonstranten #kapstadt #gorshkov
Royal Navy frigate tracking the movements of a Russian warship in the North Sea Reportedly Carrying #Zircon #Hypersonic Missiles. HMS Portland is monitoring the Russian guided missile frigate Admiral #Gorshkov and accompanying tanker Kama as they sail in waters close to the UK.
Read More:
Russia sends ‘unique’ new hypersonic cruise missiles to Atlantic and Indian Oceans
https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3205600/russia-sends-unique-new-hypersonic-cruise-missiles-atlantic-and-indian-oceans #Russia #Missiles
The frigate #Gorshkov is armed with the latest #Zircon missiles, which fly at nine times the speed of sound and have a range of over 1,000km, claims president
They can overcome any defence system and are ‘capable of delivering pinpoint and powerful strikes against the enemy at sea and on land’, Putin says
#russia #missiles #gorshkov #zircon