Hollie Roberts executive director of Bible Study Fellowship International
Men, women, and children all over the world can study the Bible from September to May in person groups or online.
we’re talking about what you can expect in the upcoming study 2023-24-year John's Gospel.
Hollie says, come and see
@WeAreBSF @TheCallwithNancySabato

#johnsgospel #jesus #gospelofjohn #bsf #biblestudyfellowship #hollieroberts

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
139 followers · 3157 posts · Server mastodon.cloud
World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
957 followers · 1742 posts · Server mstdn.social

In the canon of the New Testament, the fourth Gospel of John is uniquely different from the other three, known as the Synoptics ("seen together"). worldhistory.org/Gospel_of_Joh

#jesuschrist #gospelofjohn #christianity #History

Last updated 1 year ago

Zachary · @zachary
36 followers · 7 posts · Server social.coop

There is something both true and unsettling about the way the writer of the leaves Jesus' wounds after the . is not dead anymore, but he still has scars. As someone who is going into Sheol a bit in my life right now, it is bittersweet knowing that I will come back to life, but there will be scars.

#gospelofjohn #resurrection #jesus #bible #christianity #religion #spirituality

Last updated 2 years ago

Charismatic Batman · @CharismaticBatman
13 followers · 233 posts · Server theres.life

@JoeCool @multilingualchurch @royal

Hmm, it's hard to not allow to color my opinion of , as Eric Avari's portrayal was so incredibly alive to me. The scene where he kissed Jesus' hand had me weeping openly, it was so powerful. I'm getting a little misty-eyed just thinking about it. "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry" ... "Blessed are those who put their trust in Him"

*phew* *exhale*

If we believe that version of Nicodemus as being canonical (which is admittedly quite a leap), then Nicodemus truly believed, but lacked the will to sell all and follow Jesus. We know from the that he asked earnest questions of Jesus, and contributed expensive embalming spices to Jesus' followers, so it's not a stretch to say that he likely was a follower of Jesus, and died in faith.

BUT Mary did not have as much to surrender. If she had the devotion to surrender her time, I think she might have been "closer to the Kingdom of God" than Nicodemus, but I can't quite make that claim. The accounts in Mark and John don't quite agree on who's house Jesus was at, but since the woman with the spikenard wasn't named in Mark's gospel, it's reasonable to say that it was Mary, Martha's sister, like John says.

But first of all, we must define what being close to the kingdom of God really is. I'm not sure I have a good answer, except I can surmise that it entails having a value system and a lifestyle that is molded by and in hot pursuit of God's kingdom.

In that light, is the faith of a wizened teacher of the law who is engrossed by the person of Jesus but not yet mature enough (in faith, that is) to "sell all and follow" less "close to the Kingdom of God" than the child-like faith of a teenage girl who wants nothing more than to sit by the Master and hear His words (but has much less, at least socially, to give up for His kingdom)?

I'm not sure I have an answer to that. The comparison is made difficult by no only the relative paucity of details of the lives of both individuals (as is usual in biblical accounts, journalistic depth not generally being a goal), but also the great difference between the two individuals and their station.

I'd like to think that both had a vital role to play in His kingdom, and that both died in faith, ready to receive a Martyr's crown (understanding a Martyr to be a witness, and not necessarily someone who was murdered for their faith).

#gospelofjohn #nicodemus #TheChosen

Last updated 2 years ago

Charismatic Batman · @CharismaticBatman
12 followers · 133 posts · Server theres.life

If you love , you really must check out the 2003 movie.
It's not nearly as good as The Chosen in a lot of ways, BUT Henry Ian Cusick is actually quite a good Jesus, and it's literally the entire book of John (Good News Translation) set to a movie. Word for word. Very enjoyable, beautiful music and scenery, Christopher Plummer knocks the narration into the stratosphere, and I thought the disciple John was cast very well, as well. Peter, too.

It was strongly overshadowed by The Passion of the Christ (2004), but it's still one of my favorites. Listening to the soundtrack right now.

The entire (3 hour long) movie: yewtu.be/watch?v=lchB_CEg5VI

Wikipedia entry: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gosp

#gospelofjohn #TheChosen

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
88 followers · 2097 posts · Server masto.ai
dustcircle :verified: · @dustcircle
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Carmelite Quotes · @carmelitequotes
209 followers · 828 posts · Server mastodon.online

In this Sunday's gospel, we read that John the Baptist saw the Spirit come down from heaven and remain on Jesus; in a similar way, St Elizabeth of the Trinity begs the Spirit to come upon her and create "a kind of incarnation of the Word."

🙏🏾 Read her famous prayer to the Holy Trinity

#quotes #carmelite #catholic #prayer #eternalword #incarnation #jesus #heaven #holyspirit #stjohnthebaptist #gospelofjohn #gospel #sunday #stelizabethofthetrinity

Last updated 2 years ago

TwoFifteen · @twofifteenbible
4 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.social

He Loved Them To The End - John 13:1
Check out the full study!
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#bible #biblestudy #gospelofjohn #jesus

Last updated 2 years ago

TwoFifteen · @twofifteenbible
4 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodon.social

He Loved Them To The End - John 13:1

Check out the full study!

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#bible #biblestudy #gospelofjohn #loved

Last updated 2 years ago

70 followers · 742 posts · Server brighteon.social

Here is my new video where I respond to Mike Licona's claim that John lied about what what Jesus said and did in the Gospel of John. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help spread the word!


#mikelicona #exposed #gospelofjohn #christian #apologetics

Last updated 4 years ago