GOST // #Gost //
Coven (Official Video)
[album Rites of Love and Reverence, 2021]
//via // #Gost #CenturyMediaRecords //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #MusicVideo #Gost #RitesofLoveandReverence #Coven #CenturyMedia #JamesLollar
link youtube: https://youtu.be/zT6m54oeCes
#gost #centurymediarecords #brandunbrand #youtube #music #musicvideo #ritesofloveandreverence #coven #centurymedia #jameslollar
Adventures in Contacting the Russian FSB - KrebsOnSecurity recently had occasion to contact the Russian Federal Security Serv... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/06/adventures-in-contacting-the-russian-fsb/ #federalsecurityservice #treasurydepartment #vladislavhorohorin #alittlesunshine #lancejames #virustotal #cryptopro #unit221b #yandex #badb #gost #fbi #fsb #c#
#c #fsb #fbi #gost #badb #yandex #unit221b #cryptopro #virustotal #lancejames #alittlesunshine #vladislavhorohorin #treasurydepartment #federalsecurityservice
Adventures in Contacting the Russian FSB https://krebsonsecurity.com/2021/06/adventures-in-contacting-the-russian-fsb/ #FederalSecurityService #TreasuryDepartment #VladislavHorohorin #ALittleSunshine #LanceJames #virustotal #CryptoPro #Unit221B #Yandex #BadB #GOST #fbi #FSB #C#
#FederalSecurityService #TreasuryDepartment #VladislavHorohorin #ALittleSunshine #lancejames #virustotal #CryptoPro #Unit221B #yandex #BadB #gost #fbi #fsb #c
RFC 8891: GOST R 34.12-2015: Block Cipher "Magma"
Ce #RFC décrit un algorithme russe de #chiffrement symétrique, « #GOST R 34.12-2015 », surnommé #Magma. N'attendez pas de ma part des conseils sur l'utilisation ou nom de cet algorithme, je résume juste le RFC.
#rfc #chiffrement #gost #magma
If you're an expert on crypto, do you have an opinion about the security of algorithm #GOST R 34.12-2015 (#Magma)? Does it still has a practical interest today or is it just for history?
#gost #magma #cryptography #encryption