@jamesgunn my 9 year old son is hours later crying and gushing over #gotgv3 and since learning about you has taken to making his own art more and more (and listening to ELO) So thank you . Thank you to the whole group, For making something so wonderful and emotional. And my lord, we (especially now) can’t WAIT for the DCU
#Gotgv3 is an indictment of animal experimentation and cruelty. Fk the High Evolutionary and people like him. One of the most despicable villains in the #MCU, and that’s why the movie works.
#gotgv3 #mcu #rocketracoon #guardiansofthegalaxy
"New 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3' Clip Shows a Heartbreaking Look at Rocket's Past
(...) To recap what’s in the clip: Rocket and three friends—Lyla the otter, Teefs the walrus, and Floor the rabbit—all lie in cages, giving themselves names. Rocket tells the others that someday, he wants to build a ship and fly all of them out into the forever and beautiful sky. The clip ends with Lyla saying that “it really is good to have friends.” The four of them are presumably prisoners of the movie’s villain, a scientist obsessed with genetic modification who calls himself the High Evolutionary."
That's some Bambi's mom dying level trauma right there. This movie is going to wreck me.
#gotgv3 #rocketraccoon #guardiansofthegalaxy #mcu
New clip from GotGv3 shows some of Rocket's buddies from his original 1985 miniseries. Looks like "Wal-Rus" got renamed but otherwise he and Lylla are there along with a bunny named "Floor"- I wonder if he's a new character or somehow related to the character of Blackjack O'Hare?
#guardiansofthegalaxy #rocketraccoon #gotgv3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer
#guardians3 #gotgv3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 https://youtu.be/u3V5KDHRQvk
#guardiansofthegalaxyvol3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #gotgv3 #guardians3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 trailer 1
#GotG #GotG3 #GotGV3 #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy #Movies #Trailers #Videos #Marvel #MarvelStudios
#gotg #gotg3 #gotgv3 #guardiansofthegalaxy #movies #trailers #videos #marvel #marvelstudios
Hell to the yeah!! :)
RT @DEADLINE@twitter.activitypub.actor
EXCLUSIVE! James Gunn back on to direct ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3’ #GOTGv3 https://deadline.com/2019/03/james-gunn-reinstated-guardians-of-the-galaxy-3-disney-suicide-squad-2-indefensible-social-media-messages-1202576444/