Gizmodo: How The Dark Knight ARG Changed Immersive Entertainment #jeromeandjeremiahvaleska #entertainmentculture #christophernolan #thedarkknight #jonathannolan #arkhamasylum #michaelborys #batmaninfilm #aaroneckhart #heathledger #harveydent #kevinflynn #gothamcity #jasontodd #alexlieu #redhood #disney #nolans #batman #joker #ha
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Lass uns Freunde sein
#Batman #BaoPham #BruceWayne #Clownhunter #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #DC #DCcomics #GeisterderVergangenheit #GhostMaker #GothamCity #HarleyQuinn #JamesTynionIV #Joker #Lesen #Meinung #Review #Rezension #Test #Testbericht
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Nel frattempo, a Gotham City...
#adoroilgenio #19luglio #Batman #pipistrelli #lavoro #impiego #GothamCity #segnali #mestieri #fumetti #fumetto #comics #dccomics
#adoroilgenio #19luglio #batman #pipistrelli #lavoro #impiego #gothamcity #segnali #mestieri #fumetti #fumetto #comics #dccomics
Oggi scopriamo #Detective #Batman Tutti mentono, #giocodatavolo #investigativo in cui coopereremo per scoprire 3 misteri e mezzo a #GothamCity, interpretando 4 dei comprimari del #CavaliereOscuro. Un #boardgame davvero interessante per gli appassionati di fumetti e non solo!
#detective #batman #giocodatavolo #investigativo #gothamcity #cavaliereoscuro #boardgame
Kotaku: Gotham Knights Six Months Later: Better, But Still Mid #gaming #tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #batman3anoman27sland #fictionalcharacters #stephaniebrown #batman3aarkham #gothamknights #creativeworks #barbaragordon #taliaalghul #harveydent #gothamcity #ethangach #showdown #twoface #batgirl #fiction #gotham #batman #james #robin #babs #rpg
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Fokusmodus an
#CatwomanLonelyCity #Catwoman #LonelyCity #Abschlussband #Batman #CliffChiang #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #DC #DCBlackLabel #DCcomics #GothamCity #HarveyDent #Lesen #Meinung #Review #Rezension #SelinaKyle #Wertung
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Kotaku: Celebrate Batman's Birthday And Buy The Game He Dies In For Half Off #gaming #tech #kotaku #alternativeversionsofbatman #batmanfranchisemedia #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #creativeworks #jamesgordon #brucewayne #warnerbros #gothamcity #dccomics #fiction #batman
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Welcome to Gotham.
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Itachi dropping an emo album when???
Stay Safe and Stay Sweet!
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Kotaku: Suicide Squad Leak Has Fans Worried About Its Online Features #gaming #tech #kotaku #batman3athetelltaleseries #englishlanguagefilms #fictionalcharacters #batman3aarkham #supervillains #suicidesquad #arkhamasylum #arkhamknight #harleyquinn #rocksteadys #warnerbros #gothamcity #boomerang #deadshot #fiction #shark
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Today in #Batman History, Batman's home was first identified as #GothamCity in Batman #4 (January 13, 1941)
Gotham City Year One-
T-Shirt -
4D Map -
#DarkThought #poetry #foolingaround #playingwithwords #blinditem #shortstory #fairytale #antihero #villain #gothamcity #gilead vibes…but make it #canadian
Written by Mwinyele Tuesday January 10, 2023 8:49 pm
Premise: A freestyled awkwardly stylized rhyming account which surmises the origins of one governed land’s woes
“STanK gWEEN: the distant haunts of an obscene son-of-a-quean. He who stills the earthly air, be-tween, daydreams, some dead politickin from whence spawned screams, his jilted guilt head of state, living,
one hand out to take, the other,
to wreak havoc on those fallen t’ward stunted fate”
There once lived a pair of two young brothers
As close as they were, they rivaled each other
One was dashing and charming
So personable and disarming
His limits knew no bound, such jubilant a spirit, the youth in him found
Elder brother craved lasting glory
To undo shrewd laughter in passing, lingering tales of family adultery
Whispers of doubt brought on by small brothers shortsighted frivolity
Generations of power face unraveling amidst fruitless loyalty
Exaggerated inability
Fumbling dim-wittery
A jester baby brother is unfit for honour - for legitimacy
A brotherly love outlasts ambitions and strategic allegiances
Elder witnessed in horror
‘ticians and civilians clamouring with unmatched fervour
to tear down and rip apart once-beloved, baby brother
globally mocked for sport for an err, a mistruth, a vulgar falter
When baby brother eventually succumbed to the slow and public slaughter
Elder brother vowed to punish not only the perpetrators
also their sons and daughters
And when he rose in ranks to lead the tanks
The townspeople cried out for mercy
Elder brother claimed all is well, we look forward in unity on this journey
Never admitting to his vengeful tendencies
in writing nor spoken dilly-dallies
Not ever, not once
But in time, townspeople suffered dearly his vengeance
And desperately quivered in fear
Overcome by elders cold wrath,
they did shiver, they did jeer
Evermore crying aloud “why” to elder’s crushing laws and population disappearing-acts
Their memories ran short of the facts
In onterrioland, a sturdily-placed leader and enforcer, revelled in townspeople pain and disorder, and merrily chanted baby brothers name from his peacock-feathered impenetrable palace frame
Plotting another season to shed his land of the lame
and all and any who’d paraded the sullying of baby and elders once good name
Long live the vengeful king
#darkthought #poetry #foolingaround #playingwithwords #blinditem #shortstory #fairytale #antihero #villain #gothamcity #gilead #canadian
Saw a Doof Fish at the #SheddAquarium in #chicago. #GothamCity
#sheddaquarium #chicago #gothamcity
Un film e più al giorno 553.
The Batman (2022) di Matt Reeves.
#unfilmalgiorno #thebatman #batman #mattreeves #robertpattinson #paildano #colinfarrell #johnturturro #gothamcity #lenigmista #theriddler #pinguino #penguin #catwoman #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto
#unfilmalgiorno #thebatman #batman #mattreeves #robertpattinson #paildano #COLINFARRELL #JohnTurturro #gothamcity #lenigmista #TheRiddler #pinguino #penguin #catwoman #cinema #film #movie #moviescenes #filmphotography #filmcommunity #filmphoto