The #GothamKnightsshow has brought in a villain from the #DarkKnightReturns graphic novel to act as #CarrieKelley #robins archenemy.
#GothamKnights #CWGothamKnights #GothamKnightsTV #GothamKnightsTVSeries
#gothamknightsshow #darkknightreturns #carriekelley #robins #GothamKnights #cwgothamknights #gothamknightstv #gothamknightstvseries
The #CourtofOwls just killed a classic #Batman villain in #GothamKnights.
#GothamKnightsShow #GothamKnightsTV #GothamKnightsTVSeries
#GothamKnightsSeries #CWGothamKnights #GothamKnightsCW #Arrowverse
#courtofowls #batman #GothamKnights #gothamknightsshow #gothamknightstv #gothamknightstvseries #gothamknightsseries #cwgothamknights #gothamknightscw #arrowverse
LOL They even are using the Smallville tower set.
And now they are telling us that the Batcave computer doesnt have any security on it and anyone can just rock up and use it. WHO GREENLIT THIS SHIT! #GothamKnightsTVSeries
Watched the premiere of #GothamKnightsTVSeries and… we’ll have to see. It was decent but I feel like it’s going to be a standard CW teenager show (so I’m not exactly the target market). #GothamKnights #TV
#tv #GothamKnights #gothamknightstvseries