My characters always seem to either 1) adopt a multiplicity of identities and focus on stylish presentation, as with Ravenna in #VampireTheMasquerade or 2) help others to transform beyond the constraints placed on them, even if that makes them seem monstrous to others, as when I played The Power of Magpies in #Nobilis
The Fabulous Faye in #GothamUnion has ended up doing both
#VampireTheMasquerade #nobilis #gothamunion
This week in #GothamUnion
- the gang learned Dr Harris AKA March Hare went missing because she's involved in secret government work
- Faye faked being in trouble with Superman to cover up getting absorbed in teaching her students and running late
- Faye and Heinrich disturbed Sly by proposing research studies to help trans children [1]
- the gang went on a Suicide Squad mission hunting mi-go
- provoked a response by sealing the mi-go portal, but that's next week's problem!
This week on #GothamUnion the party arrives at San Francisco. Low energy group this week and my efforts not to dominate the session led to a lot of long silences where no one else took the lead.
Costume changes: Normally in casual attire The Fabulous Faye wears a t-shirt saying BATMAN KILLS (or, more recently, FAYE KILLS || AND BATMAN LIKES TO WATCH) but SF has no local hero to vex so she went with THE CRYSTALS TOLD ME TO DO IT
Another week of #GothamUnion done, much more chill after last week's boss battle. Prophet has taken on a new name, Niks (Phoenix) and a new gender now with less binary, and seems content to work selling pizza in the group's union shop.
Sly spent much of the week chilling and partying, and Frogger has started work on environmental manipulation via fungi and algae.
Unfortunately this week's #GothamUnion session has been cancelled on short notice. Worrying about that.
But it gives me more time to plan out what parts of her own memory Faye will selectively erase to prevent Prophet from being able to read her intentions when they meet.
Currently (since early 2022) playing in a very rules light homebrew system that the GM claims is based in Fate with 'advantage' ported over from D&D. Really you just roll 1 or 2 d20s and hope for high, and that's about it for player-facing mechanics.
Supposedly this game, #GothamUnion, was about the day to day struggles of the kind of people who turn to supervillainy. But it has ended up much more cosmic in scope and veering rapidly away from DC