On August 14, 1934, Vampyr debuted in the United States. Here’s some art to mark the occasion!
#Vampyr #CarlTheodorDreyer #Horror #HorrorMovies #GermanExpressionistFilm #VampireFilm #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #ClassicFilm #HorrorArt #Vampires #VampireMovies #VampireArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#vampyr #carltheodordreyer #horror #horrormovies #germanexpressionistfilm #vampirefilm #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #classicfilm #horrorart #vampires #vampiremovies #vampireart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 14, 1945, Phantom of the Opera (1943) debuted in France. Here’s some art inspired by the film’s infamous mask!
#PhantomOfTheOpera #PhantomOfTheOpera1943 #ArthurLubin #GastonLeroux #UniversalMonsters #GothicHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #HorrorArt #POTO #POTO1943 #GothicHorrorArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#phantomoftheopera #phantomoftheopera1943 #arthurlubin #gastonleroux #universalmonsters #GothicHorror #horrormovies #horror #horrorart #poto #poto1943 #gothichorrorart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 12, 1992, The Church debuted in Spain. Here’s a drawing of Asia Argento!
#TheChurch #MicheleSoavi #DarioArgento #AsiaArgento #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #80sHorror #GothicHorror #TCMUnderground #GothicHorrorArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory #CultMovies #CultFilm
#thechurch #michelesoavi #darioargento #asiaargento #supernaturalhorror #horrormovies #horrorart #80sHorror #GothicHorror #tcmunderground #gothichorrorart #art #movieart #moviehistory #cultmovies #cultfilm
On May 25, 1962, The Innocents debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Deborah Kerr art to celebrate!
#TheInnocents #JackClayton #DeborahKerr #PsychologicalHorror #GothicHorror #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #GothicHorrorArt #PeriodHorrorFilm Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theinnocents #jackclayton #deborahkerr #psychologicalhorror #GothicHorror #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #gothichorrorart #periodhorrorfilm #movieart #moviehistory
On May 25, 1962, The Innocents debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Deborah Kerr art to celebrate!
#TheInnocents #JackClayton #DeborahKerr #PsychologicalHorror #GothicHorror #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #GothicHorrorArt #PeriodHorrorFilm Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#theinnocents #jackclayton #deborahkerr #psychologicalhorror #GothicHorror #horror #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorart #gothichorrorart #periodhorrorfilm #movieart #moviehistory
On April 10, 1991, Edward Scissorhands debuted in Spain. Here’s some Johnny Depp art!
#EdwardScissorhands #TimBurton #JohnnyDepp #RomanticFantasyFilm #MonsterMovies #RomCom #90sRomCom #Drawing #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#edwardscissorhands #timburton #johnnydepp #romanticfantasyfilm #monstermovies #romcom #90sromcom #drawing #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #movieart #moviehistory
Posting an original portrait of Christopher Lee in celebration of this TCM presentation of The Curse of Frankenstein!
#TheCurseOfFrankenstein #ChristopherLee #Horror #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #MonsterMovies #HammerFilmProductions #TCMParty #Art #CultMovies #Horror
#thecurseoffrankenstein #christopherlee #horror #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #monstermovies #hammerfilmproductions #TCMParty #art #cultmovies
On March 31, 1933, The Mummy debuted in the Netherlands. Here’s some original Boris Karloff fan art!
#TheMummy #UniversalMonsters #BorisKarloff #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #PrecodeFilm #PrecodeHorror #HorrorFanArt #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#themummy #universalmonsters #boriskarloff #horrormovies #horrorart #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #precodefilm #precodehorror #horrorfanart #movieart #art #moviehistory
On March 16, 1973, Count Yorga, Vampire debuted in Denmark. Here’s an original sketch of Robert Quarry on a Post-It note to celebrate!
#CountYorgaVampire #BobKelljan #RobertQuarry #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFiIm #GothicHorror #VampireMovies #HorrorArt #VampireArt #Vampire #GothicHorrorArt #TCMUnderground #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#countyorgavampire #bobkelljan #robertquarry #horror #horrormovies #horrorfiim #GothicHorror #vampiremovies #horrorart #vampireart #vampire #gothichorrorart #tcmunderground #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
Varnish time ✌️👹
#gothichorrorart #gothica #gothichorror #darkart #darkartist #darkarts #oilpaint #oilpainting #artistiemergentiitaliani #artisti #ArtistOfTheDecade #weirdart #lowbrowart #creepyart #scaryart
#gothichorrorart #gothica #gothichorror #darkart #darkartist #darkarts #oilpaint #oilpainting #artistiemergentiitaliani #artisti #ArtistOfTheDecade #weirdart #lowbrowart #creepyart #scaryart
On March 14, 2000, The Pit and the Pendulum was released on DVD in Canada. Posting an original drawing of Vincent Price to mark the occasion!
#ThePitAndThePendulum #VincentPrice #GothicHorror #EdgarAllanPoe #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #GothicHorrorArt #MidnightMovies #RogerCorman #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thepitandthependulum #vincentprice #GothicHorror #edgarallanpoe #horrorart #horrormovies #gothichorrorart #midnightmovies #RogerCorman #FanArt #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 13, 1971, Blood of Dracula was screened on WPIX Chiller Theater. Here’s some art to mark the occasion!
#BloodOfDracula #BloodOfDracula1957 #HerbertLStrock #AmericanInternationalPictures #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #Vampires #VampireArt #BMovies #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bloodofdracula #bloodofdracula1957 #herbertlstrock #americaninternationalpictures #horrormovies #horrorart #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #vampires #vampireart #bmovies #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On February 16, 2008, The Mummy was screened on Svengoolie. Here’s some original Boris Karloff fan art!
#TheMummy #UniversalMonsters #BorisKarloff #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #PrecodeFilm #Svengoolie #HorrorFanArt #MovieArt #Art #MovieHistory
#themummy #universalmonsters #boriskarloff #horrormovies #horrorart #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #precodefilm #svengoolie #horrorfanart #movieart #art #moviehistory
On February 14, 2016 Vampyr was screened at the Greek Film Archive. Here’s some art to mark the occasion!
#Vampyr #CarlTheodorDreyer #Horror #HorrorMovies #GermanExpressionistFilm #VampireFilm #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #ClassicFilm #HorrorArt #Vampires #VampireMovies #VampireArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#vampyr #carltheodordreyer #horror #horrormovies #germanexpressionistfilm #vampirefilm #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #classicfilm #horrorart #vampires #vampiremovies #vampireart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On February 11, 1970 Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed debuted in the United States. Here’s some Freddie Jones art to celebrate!
#FrankensteinMustBeDestroyed #TerenceFisher #Horror #GothicHorror #SciFi #Frankenstein #FreddieJones #GothicHorrorArt #HorrorMovies #HorrorArt #ScienceFiction #60sMovies #Art #MovieHistory
#frankensteinmustbedestroyed #terencefisher #horror #GothicHorror #scifi #Frankenstein #freddiejones #gothichorrorart #horrormovies #horrorart #sciencefiction #60smovies #art #moviehistory
Day 6 of Black History Month! Continuing with my new daily portraits of Black cult film icons. Drew a new portrait of Marlene Clark inspired by the avant-garde horror classic Ganja and Hess!
#BlackHistoryMonth #NewArt #GanjaAndHess #MarleneClark #HorrorMovies #ArthouseFilm #HorrorArt #BlackCinema #Vampires #MovieArt #PopArt #Drawing #ModernArt #Art #GothicHorror #VampireArt #GothicHorrorArt #Portrait #MovieArt
#blackhistorymonth #newart #ganjaandhess #marleneclark #horrormovies #arthousefilm #horrorart #blackcinema #vampires #movieart #popart #drawing #modernart #art #GothicHorror #vampireart #gothichorrorart #portrait
On January 24, 1952 Phantom of the Opera (1943) debuted in Japan. Here’s some original art inspired by the film’s infamous mask!
#PhantomOfTheOpera #PhantomOfTheOpera1943 #ArthurLubin #GastonLeroux #UniversalMonsters #GothicHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #HorrorArt #POTO #POTO1943 #GothicHorrorArt #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#phantomoftheopera #phantomoftheopera1943 #arthurlubin #gastonleroux #universalmonsters #GothicHorror #horrormovies #horror #horrorart #poto #poto1943 #gothichorrorart #art #movieart #moviehistory
On January 22, 1982 the dubbed version of Scars of Dracula debuted on Spanish television. Here’s some original Christopher Lee art to celebrate!
#ScarsOfDracula #RoyWardBaker #ChristopherLee #Vampires #VampireArt #VampireMovies #GothicHorror #GothicHorrorArt #FanArt #Movies #HammerFilmProductions #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#scarsofdracula #RoyWardBaker #christopherlee #vampires #vampireart #vampiremovies #GothicHorror #gothichorrorart #FanArt #movies #hammerfilmproductions #movieart #moviehistory
Jumping on the #PortfolioDay bandwagon with a few new Dracula-themed pieces I've drawn over the past week or so! Here's new art inspired by Dracula (1931) Dracula's Daughter (1936), the Spanish-language version of Dracula (1931) and Scars of Dracula (1970)!
#Dracula #DraculasDaughter #ScarsOfDracula #BelaLugosi #GloriaHolden #CarlosVillarias #ChristopherLee #GothicHorror #ArtistsOfMastodon #GothicHorrorArt #HorrorArt #NewArt
#portfolioday #dracula #draculasdaughter #scarsofdracula #belalugosi #gloriaholden #carlosvillarias #christopherlee #GothicHorror #artistsofmastodon #gothichorrorart #horrorart #newart
On January 19, 1966 Dracula: Prince of Darkness debuted in the United Kingdom. Marking the occasion with an original portrait of Christopher Lee!
#DraculaPrinceOfDarkness #Dracula #VampireArt #GothicHorrorArt #HammerFilmProductions #Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #PenDrawing #Art #HorrorArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#draculaprinceofdarkness #dracula #vampireart #gothichorrorart #hammerfilmproductions #horror #horrormovies #HorrorFam #pendrawing #art #horrorart #movieart #moviehistory