Mary Rajotte · @maryrajotte
95 followers · 17 posts · Server
Stories and Folklore · @wihtlore
1671 followers · 561 posts · Server

Day 7:
The darkness grows longer by the day, the sunlight shrinks by the hour — we slip deeper into the fallow season by the moment. Listen closely my friends, hear the whispers of those melancholic old songs that still tickle the backs of our minds. In the deepest recesses they declare, “Beware, for The Nobody may pay you a visit. He comes on frosty nights from the Somewhen and depending on his whim he may whisper good or evil in your ear.”

Neither candle nor warmth will appease him,
Or so the old people sing,
A law unto himself is the call to the night,
He’s a fickle and complex thing.

The best we can do on nights like these,
Is to wish the sweetest of dreams,
Upon our loved ones and hope that he leaves,
Us out of his twilight schemes.

God bless and say your prayers b’fore sleep,
Kiss the cheeks and foreheads too,
And hope that the Nobody stays away tonight,
Just beg he’s not coming for you!

@folklore @poetry

#gothicadvent #folkore #folkhorror #advent #sprits #yule #yuletide #poetry #dark #gothicpoetry

Last updated 2 years ago

Eryn McConnell · @ErynMcConnell
167 followers · 364 posts · Server