Day 2 of this year's #MeraLunaFestival at #Hildesheim is over.
Sunday's line-up was:
16:15 #Eisfabrik
16:50 #Gothminister
17:30 #LetzteInstanz
18:10 #The69Eyes
18:55 #PeterHeppner
19:45 #SubwayToSally
20:45 #WithinTemptation
22:00 #MonoInc
Was available ad-free on the #ARTEConcert YouTube channel, and on the ARTE website:
Saturday's stream has already been split up; one set per artist.
#meralunafestival #hildesheim #eisfabrik #gothminister #letzteinstanz #the69eyes #peterheppner #subwaytosally #withintemptation #monoinc #arteconcert #meraluna #meraluna2023
I do enjoy some #gothmetal....especially from this band at number 10. #Gothminister – Pandemonium