Free kick count in the footy is Freo 16 Tiges 3 in 3 qtrs of footy.
Appalling umpiring, have indeed allowed Freo to be as close as they are.
3Qtr svores Tigers 11.10 to Freo 8,9
Not even pretending this week. Won’t pay advantage, HTB, holding the many. Filthy display at half time. #GoTiges
D. Martin. 3 tackles.
This is bloody awful footy.
Not the result we wanted tonight but one goal better than I thought it would be before the game. Was expecting a drubbing with no ruck but the kids held there own in the 1st. Just keep feeding them experience. #gotiges
Collingwood fans booing Ollie Henry, really are just obnoxious tossers.
In the Collingwood team tonight, there’s Tom Mitchell, Bobby Hill & Dan McStay. Those three players, all played at different clubs last year.
But anyways, boo a young bloke for wanting to go home & play with his brother.
I suspect he’s probably got too many teeth to play at Collingwood anyways.
I feel like a Tooheys, I feel like a Toogeys, I feel like a Toogeys or two.
Zac Toogeys has 2hoLs in 3 minutes.
Shesh. Kick long to nowhere before you kick to a two on one at the top of your defensive goal square.
Turn overs in defence are killers.
Awww. A bloody draw.
Shesh. What’s wrong with the hood old drop punt, Shai?