Reactor is also one of the first arcade games I’m aware of that has a game designer credit listed (“A Skelly Game”). Reactor’s designer, Tim Skelly, had an interesting career prior to Reactor, designing lots of noteworthy vector arcade games for Cinematronics (hopefully I’ll highlight one of them in the future)!
#retrogaming #arcade #gottlieb #dinoretrogaming
If this all seems like a lot to take in (admittedly, Reactor is pretty involved for an arcade game, especially for its time!), worry not! It actually has a brief tutorial (one of the first I’m aware of in an arcade game), set to a really rockin tune :)
#retrogaming #arcade #gottlieb #dinoretrogaming
Additionally, the reactor core grows as each level progresses (the psychedelic-colored section in the center of the screen). It isn’t directly harmful to you, but as it grows, it gives you less space to maneuver, and greatly increases your chances of colliding with the kill wall. Fortunately, the reactor can be cooled by colliding particles with the cooling rods that are on opposite sides of the reactor walls.
#retrogaming #arcade #gottlieb #dinoretrogaming
This is an interesting one! Reactor is an arcade game that takes place inside (you guessed it) a nuclear reactor. Your goal is to destroy atomic particles (using a tiny ship, which you control via trackball) while managing the state of the reactor core. The reactor is encircled in a "kill wall", which destroys anything that touches it- the challenge lies in skillfully guiding particles into the wall, while avoiding colliding with it yourself.
#retrogaming #arcade #gottlieb #dinoretrogaming
Reactor (1982)
By Gottlieb [Arcade]
#retrogaming #arcade #gottlieb #dinoretrogaming
La maggioranza di governo è stata sconfitta nel voto decisivo della #Knesset per selezionare il componente politico chiamato a far parte del Comitato per la selezione dei giudici. A causa di dissidi interni alla coalizione, ad essere stata eletta è la parlamentare di #YA|Centro Karine #ElHarrar, votata anche da qualche esponente della maggioranza.
Solo 11 voti, contro i 58 di ElHarrar, per Tali #Gottlieb (#Likud|ECR).
#israele #knesset #ya #elharrar #gottlieb #likud
1140 N. Kostner CHICAGO, IL
FLIPPER * FAIR pinball machine
Chicago was the pinball & jukebox capitol of the world, and Gottlieb was one of the leaders in that group. Here is an ad for one of their new 1961 pinball games.
#popculture #60s #Gottlieb #Chicago #vintage #retro #nostalgic #vintage #pinball #coinop
#popculture #60s #gottlieb #chicago #vintage #retro #nostalgic #pinball #coinop