THE FIRST TAKE: Jason Chan 陳柏宇 – One Day 有天 / THE FIRST TAKE
#Chan #ChanKwong-Wing #COLORS #day #DSCVR #FIGHTFOR #FIRSTTAKE #G.E.M #GotYourBack #JaniceVidal #jason #JASONCHAN #JayChou #LiesBetweenUs #LIVE #lute #oneday #PakhouChau #PeterKam #thefirsttake #THEFIRSTTAKECHANNEL #tinydesk #Tokyosounds #シンガーソングライター #ファーストテイク #ファステク #ライブ #一発撮り #伴你共接受無奈 #你瞞我瞞 #張暐弘 #有天 #有我 #林奕匡 #梁仲恆 #無論傷春悲秋我亦在 #緊張感 #葉巧琳 #金培逹 #陳柏宇 #香港
#LiesBetweenUs #lute #PeterKam #伴你共接受無奈 #張暐弘 #無論傷春悲秋我亦在 #緊張感 #JAYCHOU #THEFIRSTTAKE #Tokyosounds #シンガーソングライター #你瞞我瞞 #有天 #有我 #林奕匡 #梁仲恆 #葉巧琳 #陳柏宇 #香港 #jason #jasonchan #chan #ChanKwong #colors #day #DSCVR #fightfor #firsttake #g #gotyourback #JaniceVidal #live #oneday #PakhouChau #THEFIRSTTAKECHANNEL #tinydesk #ファーストテイク #ファステク #ライブ #一発撮り #金培逹
we got your back buddy...
#turtles #gotyourback #turnedover #help #assistance #animatedgif
#turtles #gotyourback #turnedover #help #assistance #animatedgif
we got your back buddy...
#turtles #gotyourback #turnedover #help #assistance #animatedgif
#help #turnedover #turtles #animatedgif #gotyourback #assistance
Catch o' the day: "Your bed should compliment your room..." :)
#TheDangersOfHomonyms #FTW #SpellCheckCannotSaveYou #GotYourBack #AmEditing #WhatMakesEditorsLaugh
#thedangersofhomonyms #ftw #spellcheckcannotsaveyou #gotyourback #amediting #whatmakeseditorslaugh
Yo people of the #Fediverse if you need someone to chat with today because your feeling down and lonely. Fucking hit me up and I'll will chat with you 🙃. No one needs to be alone, look around there's tons of people here and you're not really alone 😉.
(Boost this post so that one person can see it when they need it, it costs you nothing)
#humansBeingHuman #gotYourBack #notAlone #depression #depressionIsABitch
#Fediverse #humansbeinghuman #gotyourback #notalone #depression #depressionisabitch
Ridiculous—How are people w/o an income supposed to pay a lawyer for legal advice??
Email me if you‘re a Fed employee & need pro bono legal advice on your debts:
I’m a lawyer & worked for years in debt management
Govt won’t step up. We will. #GotYourBack