Bodegas Bentomiz SL · @BodegasBentomiz
8 followers · 10 posts · Server

Partridge in escabeche with asian grapefruit, served with Rayya.
Chocolate brownie with kumquat, fruit of the forest coulis and respberry cream - served with Ariyanas David.

From our spring menu - we change the menus regularly - so this is the kind of dish you might miss out on if you don't visit!

#cocinabentomiz #gourmet #bodegasbentomiz #wine #winemalaga #winery #restaurant #restaurantmalaga #gourmetmalaga #malagawines

Last updated 1 year ago

Lunch on our shaded terrace; photo sent by client. We serve 3, 5 and 10 course lunches of gourmet dishes, each designed to pair with a specific wine - the wine is central to the creative process. We don't publish menus but when people ask what we offer I direct them to social media to see the thousands of images posted by our clients to understand what we mean by "creative cuisine".

#bodegasbentomiz #bentomizcuisine #wineryrestaurant #wine #bestrestaurantsmalaga #malaga #gourmet #gourmetmalaga

Last updated 1 year ago