One thing per page is one of the most powerful design patterns we have. It makes it so much easier for people to understand a page, to resolve any errors and only see the pages and questions that are relevant to them. If research says it's better to combine some questions, do that, but it's a great start point.
Another good addition to the GOV.UK Design System: do not use maxlength on inputs
#govdesign #govukdesignsystem #design #frontend
Small but important update to the GOV.UK Design System guidance:
> Accept month names written out in full or abbreviated form (for example, ‘january’ or ‘jan’) as some users may enter months in this way.
This came from quant data on Apply for teacher training service, showing that many people did this, and fits our error validation guidance: "accept information in different formats, as long as it’s not ambiguous"
We've published new guides to creating plugins for the GOV.UK Prototype Kit
#govukprototypekit #govdesign #prototyping #frontend #govuk
We've published a new GOV.UK Prototype Kit guide: Change the content within a page based on a user’s answers
#govukprototypekit #prototyping #govdesign #frontend
GOV.UK Design System have released an extremely important new component: Exit this page. Give users a way to quickly and safely exit a service, website or application.
#design #govDesign #frontend
A big thanks to @stevenjmesser for writing about the UK cross government Slack:
This platform and community is essential for enabling (otherwise rare) cross government collaboration.
As a last activity before leaving my team at DfE, I took a speculative look at how the service could be more integrated with all the other government services that the users need to interact with:
Actually doing this stuff is hard. Government services are often not joined up even within a single department let alone crossing department boundaries. But this is the work.
Did you know you can follow hashtags on Mastodon? I follow #accessibility #mosstodon #gardening, #govDesign, how about you?
#accessibility #Mosstodon #gardening #govdesign
The excellent Vicky Teinaki has written about interaction design principles in government
#design #UX #interactionDesign #govDesign
#design #ux #InteractionDesign #govdesign
“I would love to be able to design a government service where users didn’t need to go to the big website at all — a service so seamless and invisible that they barely register they are dealing with government.” Fantastic piece from @marthaedwards with an insightful look at GOV.UK’s recently-published growth strategy: #GCdigital #govDesign #govuk
There are loads of great discussions and research findings on the GOV.UK Design System Backlog:
#design #userResearch #ux #accessibility #govDesign
#design #userresearch #ux #accessibility #govdesign
GOV.UK Prototype Kit now has a fancy new error page to help you fix any problems in your code
#govukprototypekit #prototyping #govdesign
Small but helpful GOV.UK Prototype Kit site update - a guide on setting data using links:
#govukPrototypeKit #govDesign #prototyping
#govukprototypekit #govdesign #prototyping
The GOV.UK Service Manual is such an incredible resource for working on services:
#ServicesWeek 2023 featured 46 learning and sharing sessions from 20 organisations.
Here's a quick recap of what happened and why it matters.
Kudos to all who took part 🔥
#ServiceDesign #GovDesign #LocalGov #GovContent
#servicesweek #servicedesign #govdesign #localgov #govcontent
**We’ve published new GOV.UK Prototype Kit guides :tada:**
Branching journeys - how to show different pages based on a user’s answers. There are 2 guides - radios and checkboxes.
#govukprototypekit #govdesign #prototyping
New version of the GOV.UK Prototype Kit v13.5.0!
- support for .njk extension
- better error pages, for example 404 missing page
- easier to set page titles
#govukprototypekit #govdesign #prototyping
Lots of great design and research posters and stickers from UK Government Digital service:
#design #userresearch #govdesign #govuk