GIS Powers Innovative Action Among State And Local Governments
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #stategovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #disasterriskreduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #environment #ecosystems #climatechange
#gis #spatial #mapping #StateGovernment #localauthorities #localgov #localgovernment #localgovernments #government #governmentagencies #usecase #appliedscience #appliedtechnology #examples #publicsafety #publichealth #water #hydrology #waterresources #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterresponse #watermanagement #wildfire #wildfireresponse #wildfiremitigation #naturalhazard #planning #urbanplanning #transportation #infrastructure #community #communityplanning #communityhealth #taxpayers #taxpayerservices #spatialanalysis #Environment #ecosystems #climatechange
An article in #TheNewYorkTimes explores the story of a #wolf that was killed by a hunter after being mistaken for a #coyote in central #NewYork. The article points to conservationists who question if #GovernmentAgencies are doing enough to safeguard #wolves in the region— especially if wolf territories continue to expand back into their native regions.
#wolves #governmentagencies #newyork #coyote #wolf #thenewyorktimes
#Coverup: CTEH has been hired during some of the worst #environmentaldisasters in American history—often by the very #companies that caused them. During each of these incidents, CTEH was criticized by #environmentalgroups or #governmentagencies, and residents or workers reported becoming sick after they were told it was safe to return to normal life.
#coverup #environmentaldisasters #companies #environmentalgroups #governmentagencies
#WhoKnew there were areas of the #USA where you could #ownProperty and even #HaveACabin or #HaveAHome but be #Landlocked out of it later by #BLM or other #governmentagencies?
#ProtectingTheEnvironment and #salmonFisheries/#SalmonSpawningAreas is very important,and clearly a lot of work and some money would be required to either #RestoreTheTrail they used to use or #ClearANewTrail, but these folks need to be able to #accessProperty they own and used to be able to use. The #FederalBureaucracy effectively using #EminentDomain doesn't seem fair in these cases.
#UmatillaNationalForest #UmatillaForest #UmatillaCounty #Umatilla #MiltonFreewater #SouthFork #WallaWallaRiver #HarrisPark #BurntCabinTrail #Oregon #NortheastOregon #LandownerAccess
#whoknew #usa #ownproperty #haveacabin #haveahome #landlocked #blm #governmentagencies #protectingtheenvironment #salmonfisheries #restorethetrail #clearanewtrail #accessproperty #federalbureaucracy #eminentdomain #umatillanationalforest #umatillaforest #umatillacounty #umatilla #miltonfreewater #southfork #wallawallariver #harrispark #burntcabintrail #oregon #northeastoregon #landowneraccess
@BobStep Print can't drive the business nor nonprofit model. I bet we could gift wrap and deliver it by doordash or home health to people reading who can't get news any other way. Free Clinic could distribute it. I see #governmentagencies and localities amend ordinances and laws that they must publish announcements in a local news"paper", oblivious to the fact that "paper" is not a viable medium. Folks could read the investigative local news on local radio, as does on public radio
This is a Thing that really bothers me about #charities and even #governmentAgencies that want to #Help
#Poor or #Diabled or other people you think you want to help have #LivedExperience and know what their #needs are. #Listen to them
#charities #governmentagencies #help #helpisnotsupervision #helpisnotdoingfor #helpisdoingwith #poor #diabled #livedexperience #needs #listen
#China’s proposed “Social Credit Law” is the central government slowly working on is a mix of attempts to regulate the #financial #creditindustry, enable #governmentagencies to share #data with each other, and promote state-sanctioned moral values.
#china #financial #creditindustry #governmentagencies #data
I was wondering why people are so obsessed with #fediblock #CISA and #governmentagencies on the #internet ? 🤔
It's like don't wanting a firehouse in your neighbor cause you are torching houses.
Take few chill pills and listen to #korgstyle #korgmusic
#fediblock #cisa #governmentagencies #internet #korgstyle #korgmusic
DHS Among Those Hit in Sophisticated Cyberattack by Foreign Adversaries – Report - The attack was mounted via SolarWinds Orion, in a manual and targeted supply-chain effort. #departmentofhomelandsecurity #foreignadversaries #governmentagencies #vulnerabilities #cyberattack #supplychain #government #solarwinds #espionage #commerce #treasury #malware #fireeye #russia #hacks #orion #apt
#apt #orion #hacks #russia #fireeye #malware #treasury #commerce #espionage #solarwinds #government #supplychain #cyberattack #vulnerabilities #governmentagencies #foreignadversaries #departmentofhomelandsecurity