The headline should have been:
"U. S. Decides To Increase Cancer Risk To Population.
Lowers Prevention Standards, Ensuring Pharmaceutical Boom-Time. Invest In Big Pharma, Now! Happy Days Are Here Again, Poor People Will Die Again, We Can Profit From Death Again, Happy Days Are Here Again."
But the editor didn't seem it 'snappy' enough.
This ‘climate-friendly’ fuel comes with an astronomical cancer risk | Pollution | The Guardian
#governmentchaos #medicine #climate
Fall of Kabul whistleblower sues UK government after sacking
#governmentfailure #governmentchaos #civilservice #Afghanistan #fascism
#fascism #afghanistan #civilservice #governmentchaos #governmentfailure
Doctors and nurses want to care for patients (us), the RMT wants a safe rail network (for us), the government wants happy bankers (most likely, not us).