Oh SH*T, So THIS Is The REAL Reason They’re Charging Him AGAIN!
> Go to http://stickermule.com/russell for FREE STICKERSAs Donald Trump is charged with three conspiracies related to the 2020 election,
World's going to hell in a handbag
#governmentcontrol #trump #biden #chaos #doublestandard #breakdown #constitutions #fingerpointing #governmentcorruption #enlightenment #madness
#governmentcontrol #trump #biden #chaos #doublestandard #breakdown #constitutions #fingerpointing #governmentcorruption #enlightenment #madness
i’m EXPOSING the whole damn thing BEFORE they get to me
> Jordan Peterson psychologist.
I know this looks like a conspiracy theory but if you stop and look around and ask yourself if this is true it's quite evident.
#oneworldgovernment #government #oneworldcurrency #corruptgovernment #globalgovernment #governmentcorruption #governmentcontrol #globalelite #military #countries #economy #finance #leader #future #education #policestate #freedom #state #joinus #globalist
#oneworldgovernment #government #oneworldcurrency #corruptgovernment #globalgovernment #governmentcorruption #governmentcontrol #globalelite #military #countries #economy #finance #leader #future #education #policestate #freedom #state #joinus #globalist
French government could cut off social media during unrest, says Macron
Comments came as ministers blame young people using platforms like TikTok to incite violence after shooting of teenager
Emmanuel Macron has said the French government should consider controlling and cutting off social media networks “when things get out of hand” in the country.
#France #riots #GovernmentControl #repression #democracy #fascism
#fascism #democracy #repression #governmentcontrol #riots #france
Majority of Americans Hesitant to Embrace Central Bank Digital Currency, Survey Finds - A recent poll conducted by the Cato Institute and public opinion firm Yougov revea... - https://news.bitcoin.com/majority-of-americans-hesitant-to-embrace-central-bank-digital-currency-survey-finds/ #centralbankdigitalcurrency #governmentcontrol #surveyrespondents #financialcrime #catoinstitute #publicopinion #yougovsurvey #catosurvey #opposition #americans #benefits #support #survey #yougov #risks
#risks #yougov #survey #support #benefits #americans #opposition #catosurvey #yougovsurvey #publicopinion #catoinstitute #financialcrime #surveyrespondents #governmentcontrol #centralbankdigitalcurrency
CBDC Debate Heats Up: BIS Project Sparks Controversy Among Critics; Lynette Zang Warns of Dangers of CBDCs - During the weekend, discussions about central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, t... - https://news.bitcoin.com/cbdc-debate-heats-up-bis-project-sparks-controversy-among-critics-lynette-zang-warns-of-dangers-of-cbdcs/ #bitcoinpolicyinstitute #politicalinfluencers #surveillanceeconomy #keynesianeconomist #governmentcontrol #projecticebreaker #siliconvalleybank #conspiracytheory
#conspiracytheory #siliconvalleybank #projecticebreaker #governmentcontrol #keynesianeconomist #surveillanceeconomy #politicalinfluencers #bitcoinpolicyinstitute
One-in-eight prospective college freshman passing on attending college in #florida - who can blame them? DeSantis education policies will destroy legitimate #higherEd in the state. https://www.sfltimes.com/education/1-in-8-prospective-freshman-wont-attend-college-in-florida-cite-desantis-education-policies #colleges #universities #censorship #governmentcontrol #academia
#florida #highered #colleges #universities #censorship #governmentcontrol #academia
This is a horrible idea #SayNoToCBDCs #digitalcurrency #governmentcontrol
#governmentcontrol #digitalcurrency #SayNoToCBDCs
This is a horrible idea #SayNoToCBDCs #digitalcurrency #governmentcontrol
#governmentcontrol #digitalcurrency #SayNoToCBDCs
"But the truth is that no one is healthy, because what health actually is, is something that encompasses way beyond the individual's own bodily state, and it encompasses things like feeling psychically safe and secure, like having clean air and clean water, having housing that's not commodified so heavily that three quarters of your income goes to your housing, counts as I think, a social determinant of health. And this is why your work and Engels' work are such touchstones for us, because it really sort of thinking through the ways that health becomes kind of like a mode of production,"*
#RuthWilsonGilmore #OrganisedAbandonment #GovernmentControl #state_violence #DeathPanel #podcastingIsPraxis #ableism #HealthCare
* small edits for readability
#ruthwilsongilmore #organisedabandonment #governmentcontrol #state_violence #deathpanel #podcastingispraxis #ableism #healthcare
This is such bullsh*t.
The EPA doesn’t give a dam about protecting us, the environment, or the planet. They continue to prove it with crap like this.
We are bombarded with “acceptable levels” of poisons and chemicals from every damn angle imaginable. With all the cumulative effects we don’t stand a chance of staying healthy.
#sonofbitches #environment #poison #theyrekillingus #earth #health #epa #toxins #governmentcontrol
#NewZealand government to #prohibit use of #naturalhealthproducts
#biggovernment #governmentcontrol #naturalhealthproducts #prohibit #newzealand
The website Reclaim the net brings some interesting info about Zelensky's new measures against opposition:
#Censorship #PressFreedom #Ukraine #GovernmentControl #War
#censorship #pressfreedom #ukraine #governmentcontrol #war
An very well written article on the perils of DRM.
Pluralistic: The urinary tract infection business-model (03 Dec 2022) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
#digitalfreedom #governmentcontrol #DRM
Digital currency is not about developing a 'modern financial instrument,' it is about control and we should resist it. #digitalcurrency #governmentcontrol
#governmentcontrol #digitalcurrency
Digital currency is not about developing a 'modern financial instrument,' it is about control and we should resist it. #digitalcurrency #governmentcontrol
#governmentcontrol #digitalcurrency
Tammy Cuthbert Garcia: Imagine the #power they will exercise over us when they control one centralized currency #cryptocurrency #governmentcontrol #programmablemoney
#ProgrammableMoney #governmentcontrol #cryptocurrency #power
Tammy Cuthbert Garcia: Imagine the #power they will exercise over us when they control one centralized currency #cryptocurrency #governmentcontrol #programmablemoney
#ProgrammableMoney #governmentcontrol #cryptocurrency #power
Tammy Cuthbert Garcia: Imagine the #power they will exercise over us when they control one centralized currency #cryptocurrency #governmentcontrol #programmablemoney
#ProgrammableMoney #governmentcontrol #cryptocurrency #power