Robert Habeck und die “German Angst”: Wie lange lässt sich wirtschaftlicher Niedergang verheimlichen? #wirtschaftlicherNiedergang #ForeignDirectInvestment #ifo-Geschäftsklimaindex #öffentlicheSchulden #Staatsverschuldung #GovernmentFailure #ifo-Institut #RobertHabeck #GermanAngst #Bundesbank #Ökonomie
#okonomie #bundesbank #germanangst #roberthabeck #governmentfailure #staatsverschuldung #offentlicheschulden #ifo #foreigndirectinvestment #wirtschaftlicherniedergang
A full recounting of the history of Robodebt and the key players. Luke is one of the few people in the media who consistently sought the truth about the terrible injustices wrought by this horrific scheme. All involved have undermined the trust in government of some of the most marginal people in this society, plus the broader community as well. Just disgraceful
Robodebt: five years of lies, mistakes and failures that caused a $1.8bn scandal
#robodebtrc #governmentfailure #underminingdemocracy #raisetherate
This is what ALL UK media should be shouting about and demanding govt action on (not small boats) #NHS #GovernmentFailure #FundTheNHS
#nhs #governmentfailure #fundthenhs
Fall of Kabul whistleblower sues UK government after sacking
#governmentfailure #governmentchaos #civilservice #Afghanistan #fascism
#fascism #afghanistan #civilservice #governmentchaos #governmentfailure
6/ The Tories must resign themselves to defeat in the present political situation, although like Trump and Bolsonaro they will try to cling to power. In any case the current Labour party, like that of Tony Blair, can be regarded as only a placeholder government devoid of socialist principles, that will basically carry on the same failed policies, giving the Tories the chance to regroup and return.
2/ None of this is a surprise. The government of Margaret Thatcher 50 years ago set the UK on the road to fascism, deregulating the stock market to open the door to corporate control, which led to the financial crash in 2008. The process of control of the press has been a slow takeover, necessary to promote the lie that the conservatives were the party to vote for
#governmentcorruption #governmentfailure
#governmentfailure #governmentcorruption
1/ We have a country in the UK that is in collapse. Workers in many sectors are striking for living wages, safe working conditions for themselves and the consumers of the services they provide, and for the opportunity to provide the level of service that their professionalism dictates, in the face of government cuts to funding. The government is the only agency that could solve this crisis, but rather than negotiate it is sitting on its hands.
#governmentinaction #governmentfailure
#governmentfailure #governmentinaction
My classrooms are cold and our teachers keep leaving – as a pupil, I’m supporting the teachers’ strike
#governmentfailure #strikes #education
Brexit is a ‘complete disaster’ and ‘total lies’, says former Tory donor
#governmentfailure #brexit #brexitchaos #brexitfailure