Global News BC: ‘Previously unidentified’ landfill woes boost Trans Mountain pipeline costs #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GovernmentofCanada #BritishColumbia #Investigations #TransMountain #Construction #Environment #Coquitlam #Pipelines #Landfill #Alberta #Burnaby #Economy #Money #Oil
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #governmentofcanada #investigations #transmountain #construction #environment #Coquitlam #pipelines #landfill #Alberta #burnaby #economy #money #oil
Anyone with more #BritishColumbia #GovernmentofCanada #legalities on this private medical clinic in #VictoriaBC that I was alerted about today?
Alerted by a friend who was told by her family physician that if she wanted to remain a patient that she needs to pay $1500 first.
That sounds illegal & in violation of federal health act.
Can anyone in BC please tell me more about legalities of this??
#BCpoli #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #CanPoli #UniversalHealthcare #WTAF
#britishcolumbia #governmentofcanada #legalities #victoriabc #bcpoli #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #canpoli #universalhealthcare #wtaf
#GovernmentOfCanada promised to issue official #apology to #DakotaPeople of #Canada this month. #Dakota #TipiChief Dennis Pashe says it's a huge historic event for his people. He expects it to come from the #PrimeMinister in House of Commons.
Pashe notes date for event is June 19.
"It's important for the Dakota people to correct the history of this land,"
#Indigenous #FirstNations #FirstPeoples #NativeRights #TurtleIsland #CanPoli
#governmentofcanada #apology #dakotapeople #canada #dakota #tipichief #primeminister #indigenous #firstnations #firstpeoples #nativerights #turtleisland #canpoli
#MarchOfDimesCanada and #ProsperCanada call on the #GovernmentOfCanada to right a history of #wrongs that has left people with #disabilities in #Canada living in #poverty . The move comes as #BillC22, the #CanadaDisabilityBenefitAct has been returned to the #HouseOfCommons by the Senate for final #'ParliamentaryReview
#marchofdimescanada #prospercanada #governmentofcanada #wrongs #disabilities #canada #poverty #billc22 #canadadisabilitybenefitact #houseofcommons
#Canada ’s #first #museum #dedicated to #Chinese #Canadian #history will open in #Vancouver on the 100th #anniversary of #legislation that curtailed #immigration from #China .
#ChineseCanadianMuseum will open July 1, 2023 — one century after #GovernmentOfCanada #enacted the #ChineseImmigrationAct aka #ChineseExclusionAct
#AsianMastodon #Racism #BritishColumbia #ChinesePeoples #CanadianHistory #HistoryOfCanada #ChineseCanadians #Asians #AsiansInCanada
#canada #first #museum #dedicated #chinese #canadian #history #vancouver #anniversary #legislation #immigration #china #chinesecanadianmuseum #governmentofcanada #enacted #chineseimmigrationact #chineseexclusionact #asianmastodon #racism #britishcolumbia #chinesepeoples #canadianhistory #historyofcanada #chinesecanadians #asians #asiansincanada
#Activists say the #watchdog set up by the #GovernmentOfCanada to #probe #corporate #wrongdoing #abroad is #ineffective and has created a process bogged down in #bureaucracy . The #CanadianOmbudspersonForResponsibleEnterprise – known as the CORE – is an office tasked with looking into #HumanRights #abuse #allegations linked to #Canadian #companies operating outside its borders.
#activists #watchdog #governmentofcanada #probe #corporate #wrongdoing #abroad #ineffective #bureaucracy #canadianombudspersonforresponsibleenterprise #humanrights #abuse #allegations #canadian #companies
#Leaders from 51 #TribalNations - including some in #Michigan blasted #Canada ’s support of #Enbridge ’s #Line5 #pipeline last week.
In a #report sent to the #UnitedNations #HumanRights Council, the group demanded #tribes from around the #GreatLakes have a say in the matter.
#Indigenous #FirstNations #StopEcocide #NativeLand #unceded #TurtleIsland #NativeRights #NativeTribes #UnitedForEcojustice #CorporateGreed #GovernmentOfCanada #EnvironmentalRacism #StopExploitation
#leaders #tribalnations #michigan #canada #enbridge #Line5 #pipeline #report #unitednations #humanrights #tribes #greatlakes #indigenous #firstnations #stopecocide #nativeland #unceded #turtleisland #nativerights #nativetribes #unitedforecojustice #corporategreed #governmentofcanada #environmentalracism #stopexploitation
I’m so angry that we’ve been told that if we have no power at home, we are to go work downtown Ottawa. Considering the current road conditions, that’s absolutely not safe. It’s nuts. No job is worth risking your life to make your way to it. This is disgusting. #GovernmentOfCanada #CDNPoli #IceStorm #ONStorm #QCStorm
#governmentofcanada #cdnpoli #icestorm #onstorm #qcstorm
Local BC governments looking to tackle #housing & #affordability now have the $opportunity to access #funding through the launch of the new #HousingAcceleratorFund (HAV), according to a #GovernmentOfCanada press release.
While the program launch is a welcome addition to the effort to add more housing, "the devil is in the details," said Ron Rapp, Homebuilders Association Vancouver's CEO (HAVAN) CEO.
#housing #affordability #funding #housingacceleratorfund #governmentofcanada
You might qualify for a $500 rental benefit from the federal government. #rentals #AffordableHousing #GovernmentofCanada #governmentgrant
#rentals #affordablehousing #governmentofcanada #governmentgrant
Global News BC: Sask. request for COVID-19 help a surprise to feds #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #CanadianArmedForces #GovernmentofCanada #PublicSafetyCanada #SaskatchewanNews #PaulMerriman #PattyHajdu #Politics #Prairies #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #CanadianArmedForces #governmentofcanada #publicsafetycanada #SaskatchewanNews #paulmerriman #pattyhajdu #politics #prairies #health
So now the #governmentOfCanada is essentially gaslighting us into believing masks and social distancing are responsible for the wave of brutal sickness from 'benign' RSV and flu this year...
Absolutely staggering display of calm-over-care. Ridiculous.
So, I finally got my puffer from Shoppers Drug Mart. It's a Symbicort 200 Turbuhaler and the friggin' thing cost $113 that I had to borrow from someone just to get because the inhaler wasn't covered by the NL Drug Program. That's the problem, though. You have sick people in NL who can't afford to get the #medication they need and they get little or no help from the #government of #nl and, certainly, not the #GovernmentOfCanada #nlpoli
#medication #government #nl #governmentofcanada #nlpoli