The Side Eye - Deeper Roots [Cyclone Gabrielle, Tairāwhiti (Gisborne), New Zealand]
-- <-- Spinoff Side Eye story
-- <-- towards an indigenous bio-economy in Tairāwhiti
H/T @manu Caddie
“Months after Cyclone Gabrielle smashed Tairāwhiti [Gisborne, New Zealand], locals are still cleaning up the damage. The Side Eye travels to the erosion-prone region to meet the people asking hard questions about a plan for the future…”
#GIS #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #CycloneGabrielle #Tairāwhiti #Gisborne) #NewZealand #extremeweather #Gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #Maori #firstnations #bioeconomy
#gis #spatial #mapping #massmovement #climatechange #cyclonegabrielle #tairawhiti #gisborne #newzealand #extremeweather #gabrielle #cyclone #flood #flooding #water #hydrology #ecosystem #monoculture #forestry #risk #hazard #mitigation #monitoring #erosion #landslides #slumps #slips #slash #forestrestoration #pine #planning #impacts #humanimpact #publicsafety #economy #economic #governmentplanning #indigenous #maori #firstnations #bioeconomy