Those of us in the UK who watched TV in the late 70s will most likely remember the government's public information series 'Protect and Survive'.
They were criticised at the time as giving the impression that a nuclear attack was survivable and therefore made such an attack more likely.
#ProtectAndSurvive #PublicInformation #NuclearWar #GovernmentPropaganda
#protectandsurvive #publicinformation #nuclearwar #governmentpropaganda
Audio Stream: "You Have To Be Trusted By The People That You Lie To by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone."
#CaitlinJohnstone #GoingRogue #Podcast
#GovernmentPropaganda #USPropaganda
#ManufacturedConsent #MSMPropaganda
#GovernmentLies #GovernmentFalsehoods
#AmericanEmpire #AmericanImperialism
#AmericanHegemony #USHegemony #US
#USMilitarism #USBelligerence #USWars
#USWarDrums #USAggression #USWarHawks
#uswarhawks #usaggression #uswardrums #uswars #usbelligerence #usmilitarism #US #ushegemony #americanhegemony #americanimperialism #americanempire #governmentfalsehoods #governmentlies #MSMPropaganda #manufacturedconsent #uspropaganda #governmentpropaganda #Podcast #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
We must always question: #GovernmentPropaganda #MainstreamMediaPropaganda #MSMPropaganda
#establishmentpropaganda #MSMPropaganda #mainstreammediapropaganda #governmentpropaganda
We must always question: #GovernmentPropaganda #MainstreamMediaPropaganda #MSMPropaganda
#establishmentpropaganda #MSMPropaganda #mainstreammediapropaganda #governmentpropaganda
We must always question: #GovernmentPropaganda #MainstreamMediaPropaganda #MSMPropaganda
#establishmentpropaganda #MSMPropaganda #mainstreammediapropaganda #governmentpropaganda
#US going through what is called #massformation phenomenon #pandemic #governmentpropaganda
#governmentpropaganda #pandemic #massformation #us
#US going through what is called #massformation phenomenon #pandemic #governmentpropaganda
#governmentpropaganda #pandemic #massformation #us
#US going through what is called #massformation phenomenon
#governmentpropaganda #pandemic #massformation #us