Soldiers on leave now govt’s marketing agents, by order of Army HQ!
Last week, media reports said that the Indian Army had passed an order to all its soldiers going on leave – soldiers are authorised 60 days of annual leave – to spend time doing “social service” to enhance “nation-building efforts”. What are they supposed to do? The Army HQ’s list of suggestions: Talk to the local community about Modi government schemes. Sushant Singh writes.
#IndianArmy #IndianNavy #IndianAirForce #BJP #NarendraModi #propaganda #GovtSchemes #IAF #hindutva #nationalism #HinduNationalism #labour #elections2024 #india
#indianarmy #indiannavy #IndianAirForce #BJP #narendramodi #propaganda #govtschemes #iaf #hindutva #Nationalism #HinduNationalism #labour #elections2024 #india
Why the Congress won in Karnataka, and the BJP held on to its vote share
How did the Congress increase its popularity? It can be many things, but "anti-incumbency" is not among them. Why not? Aakar Patel writes.
#karnataka #KarnatakaElections #KarnatakaResults #INC #BJP #congress #welfare #unemployment #GovtSchemes #hindutva #corruption #communalusm #voting #india
#karnataka #karnatakaelections #karnatakaresults #Inc #BJP #congress #Welfare #unemployment #govtschemes #hindutva #corruption #communalusm #voting #india