We've renamed our #Umbraco unit testing package, with its handy UmbracoTestContext, as it now has no #govuk dependency https://www.nuget.org/packages/ThePensionsRegulator.Umbraco.Testing
We've released some of our #Umbraco block list filtering and overriding code without the #govuk dependency https://www.nuget.org/packages/ThePensionsRegulator.Umbraco
We've published new guides to creating plugins for the GOV.UK Prototype Kit
#govukprototypekit #govdesign #prototyping #frontend #govuk
Great blog post from GDS: “Updating GOV.UK when there is a machinery of government change” https://insidegovuk.blog.gov.uk/2023/06/15/updating-gov-uk-when-there-is-a-machinery-of-government-change/ #GCdigital #govuk
“I would love to be able to design a government service where users didn’t need to go to the big website at all — a service so seamless and invisible that they barely register they are dealing with government.” Fantastic piece from @marthaedwards with an insightful look at GOV.UK’s recently-published growth strategy: https://medium.com/@mlhedwards/were-not-here-to-grow-f124f875f8b4 #GCdigital #govDesign #govuk
Some interesting data themed blog posts on the GovUK Blog Platform worth adding to your reading list include:
#OpenData #GovTech #DataStrategy #DataGovernance #data #GovUK #BlogPlatform
#opendata #govtech #datastrategy #DataGovernance #data #govuk #blogplatform
We're making the #govuk #gds design system easy to use with the #Umbraco block list https://github.com/thepensionsregulator/govuk-frontend-aspnetcore-extensions
Lots of great design and research posters and stickers from UK Government Digital service:
#design #userresearch #govdesign #govuk
Great to see this page appear on GOV.UK this week:
I worked for a short while with Defra's Farming and Countryside Programme team. I have some inkling of how important this page is, and how much work has gone into creating it. Bravo team! 👏
See UK government's response to the consultation here:
#publicpolicy #ukpolicy #dormantassets #socialcauses #environment #DCMS #ukgovernment #govuk #research
#publicpolicy #UKpolicy #dormantassets #socialcauses #environment #DCMS #UKGovernment #govuk #research
The GOV.UK Service Manual requires teams do research with diverse demographics:
Thinking about writing an article/blog post about some of the things I’ve learnt designing government services.
Which of these topics should I tackle?
Code of practice for app store operators and app developers
In contrast the user experience for GOV.UK's Use a Lasting Power of Attorney service was exemplary.
I'm pretty sure this was built by the Government Digital Service some time ago. Kudos to them!