@Pabamiti @Natanox #Threema ist auch nur marginal besser.
ALLE Dienste die #zentralisiert und #SingleVebdir & #SingleProvider sind, sind inhärent unsicher...
Als #Gegenbeispiel kann ich @torproject und @linux nennen:
Wären beide nich #FLOSS und #dezentral, man hätte den Maitainern schon vor Jahren ne Waffe an den Kopf gepresst und diese zur Abschaltung des Netzes (#Tor) und Integration von #Govware (#Linux) gezwungen.
Die Verunmöglichung eines Erfolgs blockierte das.
#Linux #govware #Tor #dezentral #FLOSS #Gegenbeispiel #SingleProvider #singlevebdir #Zentralisiert #Threema
@evacide #Stalkerware is the name for #Govware aka. #Surveillance #Malware that should be illegal with no exceptions!
I like how @maia is dismantling those shit providers...
#Malware #Surveillance #govware #stalkerware
@empathicqubit #Windows is useless #Govware...
Seriously, I wounder who's still paying for or even using that shit...
@Mer__edith #Apple is totally able and willing to integrate #Govware #backdoors, as they've evidenced woth the chinese #iCloud...
Needless to say that I think any "#CSAM Scanners" and generally #backdooring.tech are inherently wrong and to be rejected out of principle.
#Backdooring #csam #iCloud #backdoors #govware #Apple
@thatguyoverthere @BrodieOnLinux interesting...
Reminds me of the [long compromized by #Govware #Backdoors] RSA #SecurID #tokens...
#tokens #SecurID #backdoors #govware
@beebles also if you want to still use the #Govware that is #Windows11 despite good #Linux like @ubuntu existing, feel free to give #Microsoft the finger and circumvent their #MicrosoftAccount requirement...
with this default login:
If you choose #Germany as location and #English as languague you'll even have less bs.
#english #Germany #microsoftaccount #Microsoft #Linux #Windows11 #govware
@davidhaller @yacc143 @Nonya_Bidniss @BNetzA @bsi
Still, I'm convinced consumer protecion [ @verbraucherzentrale ] will agree that demaing someone to do so via a 3rd party that is outside of Germany / the EU as only option is indeed a violation of one's consumer rights, as there's no means to enforce #GDPR in #Israel due to lack of bilateral agreements.
Otherwise victims of #Pegasus would've sued #NSOgroup years ago and forced them to purge all data in their #SaaS #Govware ...
#govware #saas #NSOGroup #Pegasus #Israel #gdpr
@b33fpebble @jnbhlr @yassie_j also it just works on Mobile and Desktop - espechally #Linux - and doesn't #paywall #SelfHosting nor is a #Subscription-only "#SaaS" with a questionable "#Cloud" that literally begs to be #backdoored with #Govware.
#govware #backdoored #Cloud #saas #subscription #SelfHosting #paywall #Linux
@Bitchableiter #NOBUS als Doktrin ist auch nichts anderes als #Cyberfaschismus und gobales Hegemonialstreben...
Da #IT in #JAPAN allerdings zu fast 100% aus #Windows besteht ist es kein Wunder, wenn jene #Govware auch von anderen geknackt wird...
#govware #Windows #Japan #IT #cyberfaschismus #nobus
@saladcat I know that they're in #Andorra and don't even have any legal imprint on their page...
But hey, at least they don't try to sell me some #Govware-#Backdoored #Encryption like #CryptoAG did...
#Cryptoleaks #CryptoAG #Encryption #backdoored #govware #andorra
1. Alle #Datenträger vollverschlüsseln!
2. Keine #Backdoor|ed #Govware nutzen [#Windows, #macOS].
3. Alle #Kommunikation korrekt Ende-zu-Ende verschlüsseln [PGP/MIME für #eMail & #XMPP - #OMEMO für #Chats]
4. Sichere Passwürter nutzen!
5. Passwordmanager nutzen um sichere Passwörter zu sichern!
Das ist so simpel dass ich das bei diversen #TechIlliterates deployed hab mit 5-15min Einarbeitung der User*innen.
#TechIlliterates #chats #omemo #XMPP #Email #kommunikation #macOS #Windows #govware #backdoor #datentrager
@amueller einfach keine #Govware der #GAFAMs nutzen?
Dass #Microsoft nicht nur #PRISM-Teilnehmer ist.sondern auch #Backdoors wie #_NSAKEY integrierte sollte diese schon disqualifizieren...
#bdsg #dsgvo #_nsakey #backdoors #prism #Microsoft #gafams #govware
@neurovagrant @fla @Seirdy it is not only a legal requirement for providers like @signalapp to integrate #Govware #Backdoors AND comply with #Cyberfacism aka. "Export Controls" on #Cryptography whereas with fully - #opensource|d and #decentralized systems [i.e. @torproject ] the state can't force the maintainers to backdoor it.
I mean just look at #Tor, #Monero and all the other tools llike @kalilinux that get used by people regardless of the legality of their actions.
#monero #Tor #decentralized #OpenSource #cryptography #cyberfacism #backdoors #govware
Because it's a #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solution they'll be naturally subject to state intervention aka. being forced to integrate #Govware #Backdoors under the threat of getting their shit forcibly unplugged.
The people that work at @signalapp have names and adresses the state knows, and thus they'll be subject to threats by the state.
#backdoors #govware #SingleProvider #singlevendor #centralization
M8, if you gonna tone police me, GTFO!
Just because everyone does it doesn't mean it's good.
And if #NSAbook does so for their #Govware - #backdorred messengers then it's obviously insecure af.
#AllGafamsAreEvil and #NotYourKeysNotYourControl applies for #Cryptography just as much as for #Cryptocurrencies.
#cryptocurrencies #cryptography #notyourkeysnotyourcontrol #allgafamsareevil #backdorred #govware #NSAbook
@Seirdy @neurovagrant that signature is useless since I literally MITM all traffic and have literally replaced all keys.
A single update of the server have made it trivial...
IOW: You only need to hold the right people at gunpoint to do so...
And I get you €500 that they're under gag order and have integrated a #Govware #Backdoor...