Happy anniversary to The Cult’s debut album, ‘Dreamtime’. Released this week in 1984 #thecult #ianastbury #billyduffy #dreamtime #spiritwalker #gowest
#TheCult #ianastbury #billyduffy #dreamtime #spiritwalker #gowest
Happy 30th anniversary to the Pet Shop Boy's cover of “Go West”. Released this week in 1993. #petshopboys #petheads #gowest #veryrelentless #very
#petshopboys #petheads #gowest #veryrelentless #very
(Official Video)
Ja, grenzwertig.
Aber halt jetzt einfach Deine Fresse...Es ist für mich nur Musik!
😎 ✌️ (prophylaktische Aussage)
Happy anniversary to The Cult’s single, “Go West”. Released this week in 1984. #thecult #gowest #crazyspinningcircles #dreamtime
#TheCult #gowest #crazyspinningcircles #dreamtime
I’m #NowSpinning #SonnyRollins & The Contemporary Leaders from #Craft’s recent #GoWest boxset - an all analogue retrospective of the classic #WayOutWest.
This is new to me, but is as melodic & swings nearly as hard as its sister album. Rollins is on top form & the addition of #BarneyKessel on guitar distinguishes it from his other albums in my collection.
In terms of SQ, this is another #BernieGrundman cut & it matches Way Out West.
#NowSpinning #sonnyrollins #craft #gowest #wayoutwest #barneykessel #berniegrundman #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz
Retro festival tomorrow. #SoftCell #OMD #Blancmange #TheUndertones #Hue&Cry #TheFarm #NealX #MidgeUre #TheBeat #GoWest #TheUndertones . Sure, you've got to put up with the expensive food, middle aged punters who can't handle the booze any more, and the marketing does little to inspire the more discerning music fan but these older artists are putting on great festival performances for tickets less than forty quid.
#softcell #omd #blancmange #theundertones #hue #thefarm #nealx #midgeure #thebeat #gowest
Taking a short break from Glastonbury & #GoWest, the latest commemorative boxset from #Craft has arrived. & so I’m #NowSpinning #WayOutWest by #SonnyRollins.
For me, this is a top ten #jazz album: immaculate musicianship, toe-tappingly catchy compositions, & so much fun.
This is a AAA cut by #BernieGrundman & it easily beats my ‘80s OJC. Whisper-quiet vinyl, detailed, with tons of dynamics. I’ll listen to the other disks over the next few days.
#gowest #craft #NowSpinning #wayoutwest #sonnyrollins #jazz #berniegrundman #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords
My cousin, the cool one, lives in Corvallis, Oregon.
It would be amazing to move there one day.
It's a beautiful place.
#oregon #pnw #corvallis #dreams #gowest
Breakers! #LooseEnds had been bubbling around the charts for about eighteen months: "Hangin' on a string" just cracks the top 40, with lots of ropes and hip-hop dancing.
#GoWest edited their own video. Stick to winning #Popmaster, lads
#PhilipBailey mucks about in the studio with his duet partner.
SPOILER: #TOTP end-of-the-show dance-out is to #HallAndOates "METHOD of modern love". Don't forget to miss it.
#hallandoates #totp #PhilipBailey #popmaster #gowest #looseends
Tom is now listening to The King of Wishful Thinking
Mouf takes the commandment to "Go West" seriously and explores some of the newer attractions of Alameda's West End and Alameda Point in this week's Bear's-Eye View of Alameda.
#GoWest #Sundogday #WestAlameda #AlamedaPoint #Bearseyeview #SpiritsAlley #HoraceGreeley
#gowest #sundogday #westalameda #alamedapoint #bearseyeview #spiritsalley #horacegreeley
Nichts ist abwegiger, als Reps vs. Dems in Rechts vs. Links zu übrsetzen. Tatsächlich leitet sich die Staatsidee der GOP von den Britischen #Royals ab, wogegen die Dems das ewige #GoWest im Schilde führen.
"Über richtige Lehren, Irrtümer und Mythen"
>"Dass die aktuelle US-Regierung auf außenpolitischem Gebiet die Trump-Regierung rechts überholen kann, zeigt sich bei den neuen Sanktionen gegen Kuba, die von der Biden-Administration verhängt wurden."
Nichts ist abwegiger, als Reps vs. Dems in Rechts vs. Links zu übrsetzen. Tatsächlich leitet sich die Staatsidee der GOP von den Britischen #Royals ab, wogegen die Dems das ewige #GoWest Schilde führen.
"Über richtige Lehren, Irrtümer und Mythen"
>"Dass die aktuelle US-Regierung auf außenpolitischem Gebiet die Trump-Regierung rechts überholen kann, zeigt sich bei den neuen Sanktionen gegen Kuba, die von der Biden-Administration verhängt wurden (Was ist los in Kuba?)"
My Queen blessed me with this gem. I can't wait to check this out. #gowest #indiansummer #ukpop #ukmusic #petercox #richarddrummie
#gowest #indiansummer #ukpop #ukmusic #petercox #richarddrummie
RT @AllThingsMarx@twitter.com
#Groucho: "What did he say?"
#Chico: "He said, first they're going to give us a fair trial, then they kill us" #GoWest released 6th Dec 1940
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AllThingsMarx/status/1600032610209746945
I just added this album to my phone @soulcruzer @MrFresh @bsots @diva_diplomatic @ernmander.
This was my original cassette album that I converted to WAV to mp3 a while ago. This is another album I can listen to from beginning to end. #gowest #ukmusic #petercox #richarddrummie
#gowest #ukmusic #petercox #richarddrummie
RT @politic_animal
First, I need to introduce understudy 🐢, Mrs Turtle, leant to me by my wife. If you followed #GoWest, you know Slow Travel Turtle disappeared somewhere in W Yorks. He’s regenerating, but for now Mrs Turtle is stepping in. The furthest she’s been before is Sainsburys. #Europe24
Davon, daß der Kapitalismus ein Glücksversprechen formuliert, nach dem JEDER Milliardär aka Oligarch werden kann, aber eben nicht ALLE.
Weil in jedem Nullsummenspiel das Glück des Einen gleich dem Pech des Anderen ist, muß der Geltungsbreich ständig erweitert werden. Das nennt sich euphemistisch "#verlängerteWerkbank" aka #Globalisierung.
Nach dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg hieß die Erweiterungsparole zunächst #GoWest.
Auf einer Kugel findet dies aber irgendwann sein "natürliches" Ende.
#gowest #globalisierung #verlängerteWerkbank