@ScruffyDux Allistics can't resist being patronising. We can't possibly know ourselves. We aren't right in the head. We're not 'normal'. We just need to be more like them...living life on the surface. Emoting all over the place but not actually 'feeling' anything. #GoWithTheFlow. Immerse yourself in RealityTV. Follow the Kardashians.
They're as honest as they know how to be. They'll look you in the eye, and lie through their teeth. #TheNTLife @actuallyautistic
A profound Chinese proverb reminds us not to force or control the river's flow, for it naturally follows its own course.
Let go, embrace the flow, and trust in the journey. 🌊🌸✨
#GoWithTheFlow #EmbraceTheJourney #ChineseProverb #Wisdom 🌟🙏🌊
#gowiththeflow #embracethejourney #chineseproverb #wisdom
"In the final analysis, it's all improvisation. We're all tap dancing on a rubber raft." — Alan Arkin — — — #AlanArkin #quote #quotes #life #improvise #improvisation #adapt #gowiththeflow #tapdancing
#alanarkin #quote #quotes #life #improvise #improvisation #adapt #gowiththeflow #tapdancing
Morning zusammen 🌞
Möget ihr heute glücklich, gesund und in Frieden sein 💫
Gleitet gut in die neue Woche 🌊 😎
#Montag #GoWithTheFlow
#Cool #skateboarding #Schaf #niedlich
#niedlich #schaf #skateboarding #cool #gowiththeflow #montag #Morgensegen
Totally agree! 🙌 Embracing the weekend vibes. 🥳 #TGIF #GoWithTheFlow #WinterIsComing #PipeItDown #BitBook
#tgif #gowiththeflow #winteriscoming #pipeitdown #bitbook
Pond life. 3 of 3
#Animalcules #MindingTheirOwnBusiness #PondLife #GoWithTheFlow #LarvalKaiju #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#animalcules #mindingtheirownbusiness #pondlife #gowiththeflow #larvalkaiju #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Pond life. 2 of 3
#Animalcules #MindingTheirOwnBusiness #PondLife #GoWithTheFlow #LarvalKaiju #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#animalcules #mindingtheirownbusiness #pondlife #gowiththeflow #larvalkaiju #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Pond life. 1 of 3
#Animalcules #MindingTheirOwnBusiness #PondLife #GoWithTheFlow #LarvalKaiju #WeirdArt #PsychologicalLandscape #ImSureItMustMeanSomething
#DarkArts #DigitalArt #AIAssistedArt #AIArt #WomboDream #StableDiffusion
#animalcules #mindingtheirownbusiness #pondlife #gowiththeflow #larvalkaiju #weirdart #psychologicallandscape #imsureitmustmeansomething #darkarts #digitalart #aiassistedart #aiart #wombodream #stablediffusion
Many practitioners in the world will tell you that you need crystals or stones to protect you. You don't. Protection comes from within. No external object, amulet, stone, or herb is going to protect you as well as your own confidence, sense of self-worth, your own inner light shining out into the world. When you are in a healed state, you are your own protection.
Crystals, herbs, and so on are meant to help us heal ourselves. Nothing of the earth should be used as a barrier *against* anything, because it is all made of light, water, and earth. It is meant to flow, to allow, to heal. A mindset of fear and the feeling that you need to protect yourself prevents all of that from happening.
I'll expand on all this in an upcoming blog post. Blessed day to you all! ✌🏻 💜 ✨
Image by Robert Strasser from Pixabay.
#protection #crystalhealing #crystals #mediumship #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #allowing #gowiththeflow #mediumship #spiritualjourney
#protection #crystalhealing #crystals #mediumship #spiritualgrowth #spirituality #love #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #allowing #gowiththeflow #spiritualjourney
#LANZAMIENTO: LAMOT nos vuelve a enganchar con su nuevo single, 'Go with the Flow'.
#Indie #Single #LAMOT #GoWithTheFlow | @musichunters_es
#lanzamiento #indie #single #lamot #gowiththeflow
The RSC was so kind to convert our latest paper in Digital Discovery into a nice infographic: Demonstrating automation to reduce operator-to-operator inconsistencies in high-throughput RAFT screening while improving efficiency.
Read more:https://doi.org/10.1039/D2DD00035K #openaccess #gowiththeflow #ozchem #chemiverse
#openaccess #gowiththeflow #ozchem #chemiverse
The single biggest piece of advice for aspiring physician entrepreneurs
If you're a budding physician entrepreneur, remember that business has its own cadence. Don't be afraid to try new things and embrace the uncertainty.
Paula Muto is a vascular surgeon.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#physicianentrepreneur #businessadvice #patience #gowiththeflow #differentangles #medicine #surgery #businesscadence #scienceperson #physician #entrepreneur
#physicianentrepreneur #businessadvice #patience #gowiththeflow #differentangles #medicine #surgery #businesscadence #scienceperson #Physician #Entrepreneur
@Geefeconomie Gewoon accepteren wat je voelt 👍🏻 en daar tevreden mee zijn #gowiththeflow
Today the #Moon 🌛 is in #Pisces ♓️, asking us to...
go with the flow. 🌊
Letting go of control helps you:
✨ follow your dreams 🏔️
✨ access imagination ☄️
✨ let your creativity flow 🎨
More in this video! https://youtu.be/dZGXZVfgYWE
#astrology #AstrologersofMastodon #MoonSign #AstroVibe #Zodiac #GoWithTheFlow #Flow
#moon #pisces #astrology #astrologersofmastodon #moonsign #astrovibe #zodiac #gowiththeflow #flow