What the hell is TC Helicon doing? https://twitter.com/tchelicongaming/status/1681601431747297280
#tchelicon #goxlr #streaming #gear #gearhead
Ich hab mir extreme Sorgen um mein #Mischpult gemacht und statt mir ein neues zu kaufen hab ich mich fĂŒr eine #FitBit entschieden. FĂŒr das selbe Geld hĂ€tte ich nur ein Mischpult bekommen, welches ich gar nicht haben möchte. Zur Not kann ich noch mein altes USB Mikrofon nutzen, falls das #GOXLR wirklich komplett den Geist aufgibt. :blobcat:
Das bei Streamern sehr beliebte #Audio-Interface #GoXLR wird wohl keine Software-Updates mehr erhalten. #TC-Helicon hat alle Entwickler entlassen, die fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Firmware, Software und Treibersupport zustĂ€ndig waren. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/14pa2js/goxlr_is_basically_dead/. Eine inoffizielle Version der Software gibt es aber schon lĂ€nger auf GitHub: https://github.com/GoXLR-on-Linux/goxlr-utility Auch zu hören im #Podcast Streamfrei: https://www.falballa.de/streamfrei-10-keine-twitchcon-kein-goxlr/
I cover the GoXLR & competitors the same way I cover ever other product line & yet thereâs always a wave of drama that rides behind it. I donât get it. Iâve been reviewing gear in the streaming/content space for over 10 years & nothing has caused so much drama as GoXLR/BEACN đ”âđ«
#goxlr #beacn #streaming #review #gearhead
#goxlr #beacn #streaming #review #gearhead
The GoXLR is DEAD. Buy these instead. https://youtu.be/usyQoOiVBLI
#goxlr #tchelicon #layoffs #gearhead
#goxlr #tchelicon #layoffs #gearhead
Here's my writeup if you're interested in additional context and background https://streamguides.gg/2023/07/the-goxlr-is-dead-but-possibly-open-source/
#goxlr #tchelicon #layoffs #streamernews #beacn #opensource #streaming #audio #streamguides
#goxlr #tchelicon #layoffs #streamernews #beacn #opensource #streaming #audio #streamguides
GoXLR is dead
#goxlr #streaming #streamernews
#goxlr #streaming #streamernews
For my #Linux peeps - has anyone had success getting #Loupedeck / #LoupedeckLive working in Linux? There's a few things in github but they appear to be libraries rather than full solutions? #GoXLR as well but there appears to be a reasonably solution already (but haven't tried it yet). Would love to use Linux a bit more and for content creation but need my tools! @gamingonlinux tagging you as you're well connected in the community.
#linux #loupedeck #loupedecklive #goxlr
How To Use An Inline Preamp With GoXLR (and Mini)
If youâre using a dynamic microphone (Shure SM7B, RE20, Elgato DX, etc.), you may need more clean gain than the GoXLR or GoXLR mini can give you. We put this guide together to show you the best tips [âŠ]