Olivier Matter presents the activities of @coe@twitter.com Consultative Committee (TP-D) before the closed session of @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com. Convergence between T-PD and #GPA is key as well as the need to ratify #Convention108+. @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com #GPA2022
#EDPS @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com and Director @cerveranavas@twitter.com are welcoming the Iberoamerican #DataProtection Network at a reception @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com. Exchange of information and close cooperation btw DPAs are key for the protection of #personaldata globally. @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com #GPA2022
#EDPS #dataprotection #PersonalData #gpa2022
GPA Working Group on Ethics and Data Protection, presentation by @VeroCimina@twitter.com at Closed Session of @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com. The intervention put specific focus on the multiple deliverables of the Working Group and on the next steps for the coming year @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com #GPA2022
There is a need to reflect on the efficiency of mechanisms developed for cross-border data transfers and the need to come up with practical pragmatic solutions @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com #GPA2022
#EDPS @W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com moderates panel on efficiency of mechanisms for cross border data flows at open session of @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com with Peter Winn @TheJusticeDept@twitter.com, Yuji Asai, Commissioner of Personal Information Protection Commission, @_patpoku@twitter.com, @ebertoni@twitter.com, @BrunoGencarelli@twitter.com #GPA2022
The current behavioural tracking and profiling model is not an unavoidable reality. Industry can use their resources and creativity to build new models with users in control and leverage state of the art of privacy preserving technologies @MAttoresi@twitter.com @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com #GPA2022
.@W_Wiewiorowski meeting with Alex White, the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda @PrivComBermuda to exchange views on further #cooperation between the DPAs worldwide #GPA2022 @GPATurkiye2022 @PrivacyAssembly
@W_Wiewiorowski delivers the 2022 Giovanni Buttarelli Award to Elizabeth Denham at @PrivacyAssembly @GPATurkiye2022
The Award recognises the leadership & cooperation for data protection & privacy authorities in times of changes and challenges. Our warmest congratulations #GPA2022
.@W_Wiewiorowski@twitter.com meeting with Alex White, the Privacy Commissioner for Bermuda @PrivComBermuda@twitter.com to exchange views on further #cooperation between the DPAs worldwide #GPA2022 @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com
RT @maryantfp@twitter.com
.@PaulNemitz@twitter.com at #GPA2022: this Global Privacy Assembly has the ambition to master the fundamental rights impact of the new technologies of today and the future. These technologies are so powerful that we cannot wait (like for the internet) 20 years without regulation.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maryantfp/status/1584861891322839040
RT @maryantfp@twitter.com
.@PaulNemitz@twitter.com recommends data protection authorities at the @PrivacyAssembly@twitter.com to acquire technical skills and team up with others to assess the impact of AI and new technologies. This will be an additional point of attraction for experts to join enforcement authorities. #GPA2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maryantfp/status/1584862613006974977
RT @gabrielazanfir@twitter.com
In his keynote at #GPA2022 @PaulNemitz@twitter.com reminds DPAs that they are in the unique position to be the only authorities around the world which can look into AI, how it works, how it learns, what data it’s using *right now*. Invites them to “at least ask questions”.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gabrielazanfir/status/1584858774485233665
RT @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com
The Keynote 1 - "Addressing the Artificial Intelligence Challange to Law, Ethics and Democracy"
🎤 @PaulNemitz@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GPATurkiye2022/status/1584864477509734400
#GPATürkiye2022 #gpa2022 #RiseOfPrivacy
RT @PrivaSense@twitter.com
.@PaulNemitz@twitter.com at #GPA2022: "Data Protection Authorities are best placed to take up #AI enforcement. They should become centers of AI expertise for their government. DPAs will also be the center of learning AI for young professionals, because they have the power to ask questions."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PrivaSense/status/1584857379065458688
RT @PrivaSense@twitter.com
.@PaulNemitz@twitter.com: "The CJEU case on Google v Spain is the leading case on algorithmic accountability. 《It wasn't us, it was the algorithm》was rejected as a defence". #GPA2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PrivaSense/status/1584860500050837504
RT @GPATurkiye2022@twitter.com
Keynote 1 - "Hukuk, Etik ve Demokrasi Açısından Yapay Zekâya İlişkin Zorluklar"
🎤 @PaulNemitz@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GPATurkiye2022/status/1584867626261843969
#GPATürkiye2022 #gpa2022 #MahremiyetinYükselişi #RiseOfPrivacy
Mein Arbeitsplatz für die nächsten vier Tage #gpa2022 Gestern schon Austausch mit den Delegationen aus Marroko, Japan, Korea und den USA