Installer showing wrong partition sizes #dualboot #partitioning #gparted #usbinstallation
#dualboot #partitioning #gparted #usbinstallation
Reinstalling GRUB after moving partitions on drive #boot #grub2 #uefi #gparted #bootrepair
#boot #grub2 #uefi #gparted #bootrepair
Create image from unallocated hdd #partitioning #harddrive #gparted #externalhdd #dd
#partitioning #harddrive #gparted #externalhdd #dd
I love #FOSS tools so much.
The wizardry enabled by tools like #CloneZilla and #Gparted is so helpful to move old installations onto updated hardware.
My same original #arch install just moved to its 4th new drive, nine years running.
#foss #clonezilla #gparted #Arch
Gparted shows HDD drive as two drives of equal storage #partitioning #harddrive #gparted #xfce
#partitioning #harddrive #gparted #xfce
No disk tool lists my old 4 TB spinning HDD. I can't get in contact with it #partitioning #gparted #externalhdd #fdisk #gnomediskutility
#partitioning #gparted #externalhdd #fdisk #gnomediskutility
Is ja nicht wahr. In #Windows 11 ist in den "nativen" Einstellungen ein fast vollständiger Ersatz für die alte Datenträgerverwaltung eingeflossen. VHDs erstellen und mounten geht, Laufwerke formatieren, erweitern, schrumpfen. Fehlt nur noch, dass man Volumes auch verschieben kann, wie in #gparted
I get a low space warning on my chromebook install can i utilize or extend my root folder for more space? and how so? i have gparted installed #partitioning #gparted #chromebook
#partitioning #gparted #chromebook
If you don’t like the #installer of a particular #Linux distribution, you can use other #LiveCD to do some tasks beforehand. For example, I am worried about messing up my dual-boot setup, so I boot into #Rescuezilla and prepare my hard drive with #GParted.
#installer #linux #livecd #rescuezilla #gparted
The #CloneZilla and #GParted live distros were really helpful yesterday! Replaced the SSD in my mom's computer and cloned the content to the new one. Deleted the old and unused Windows 7 partition and moved and increased the Ubuntu partition. I was expecting some bootloader trouble, but no, everything was working fine afterwards, Ubuntu booted as if nothing happened and now she has a lot of free space☺️
Que no se pierda el temor de usar #Gparted para manosear un Disco Duro y sentir que ya no va a jalar la pc
Moved my existing #Linux Mint installation to a larger NVMe drive. Turns out 'gparted' running off a Mint Live USB key was the easiest way.
Created new partitions of the sizes I wanted on the target, then used 'copy' and 'paste'. #Gparted copies the filesystem data, and then resizes the filesystem to fill the partition as applicable.
It does leave you with identical UUIDs on the source and destination, so you have to fix that (e.g remove the old drive).
Dumbly shrinked partition size, what can I do to recover my /home folder #partitioning #gnome #gparted #datarecovery
#partitioning #gnome #gparted #datarecovery
I was battling today with errors on a USB stick, until I realised that Gnome Disks does a far better job in repairs than GParted. Go figure.
#linux #ubuntu #bad #sectors #usb #disks #gparted #stick #thump #drive #corrupt #gnome
#linux #ubuntu #bad #sectors #usb #disks #gparted #stick #thump #drive #corrupt #gnome
gparted operation failed after almost 10 hours #boot #partitioning #gparted #disk
#boot #partitioning #gparted #disk
gparted stuck almost 10 hours #boot #partitioning #gparted #disk
#boot #partitioning #gparted #disk