Open Source #Podcast Client #gPodder Sees New Release
Können die #Windows- und #Linux-Desktop-Programme von #gPodder mit Hilfe der #Nextcloud App #Podcast|s (Abonnements, Favorisierungen, Hörfortschritt) synchronisieren?
Wenn ja, wie lautet die Endung der URL?
Der #Android-App von #AntennaPod genügt die Subdomain der Nextcloud.
#windows #linux #gpodder #nextcloud #podcast #android #antennapod #foss #opensource
It's pretty fucking sad that after all these years @gPodder is still the best and only podcast manager for Linux.
On Windows I have Grover Pro, and it is fucking irreplaceable. But after using it for years it is now very easy to see just how much polish #gPodder is lacking.
Now any decent Linux option I decide on will probably be Windows based because gPodder is broken as fuck right now.
God damn, #gpodder is down any link on the page gives me a 500
I was looking for some #SelfHosting solution to sychronize podcasts between devices and #Nextcloud #gpodder + #AntennaPod (on Android) + Kasts (on #Linux desktop) is a combination I'm pretty happy with.
#SelfHosting #Nextcloud #gpodder #AntennaPod #Linux
#Podcast :
Gérer ses podcasts sur Windows ou Linux avec ce petit logiciel en open source :
Compatible avec MacOs également.
#Gpodder #Radio
Are you tired of subscribing to platforms like #Spotify, #Amazon etc. just to listen to #podcast. Introducing #PodFetch a sleek and efficient podcast downloader. You can listen to podcasts via the webUI but there are also local rss feeds if you are more into #gpodder etc. Podcasts are synced at your specified interval and the instance can be secured via OAuth2.0 or Basic Auth. You also get #telegram notifications when a new podcast is available in your library. And you have all the benefits without making an account. You can like podcasts, start listening, stop listening and continue listening to podcasts. Just as you please.
#spotify #amazon #podcast #podfetch #gpodder #telegram
Facía tempo que buscaba un programa para descargar podcasts e metelos nun usb dunha forma determinada e a solución a tiña en #gPodder .
Diante dos fuciños e non reparara nela :)
@ainali @theresnotime There's also Yaron Koren's #podcast, #BetweenTheBrackets.
A #gpodder search also finds a couple of German-language #Wikipedia article-reading podcasts
In general it seems podcasts were more popular in the late 2000s, they've been on a decline for a while.
#podcast #betweenthebrackets #gpodder #wikipedia
No he logrado abrir una cuenta en #gpodder, parece que el servidor está hasta arriba. He mirado como se instala en un servidor y... Bueno, excede mis conocimientos. Voy a ver si en el #Nextcloud de la uni pueden instalar la app de gpodder, para poder sincronizar los podcast en #antennapod. Me gusta mucho la app, pero en la sincronización no es muy amigable que digamos...
#mt #antennapod #nextcloud #gpodder
Danke @AntennaPod für 150 Stunden #Podcast in diesem Jahr :blobmiou:
Hoffentlich funktioniert die Synchronisation via #gpodder bald wieder
@cinemaetpol ha trop bien d’être ici.
J’ai le #RSS de votre chaîne youtube dans mon #gPodder alors je l’ai vu passer et je plussoie
J'utilise le client gPodder
Je viens de m'abonner à un nouveau #podcast #RadioFrance. Il y a toujours pour chaque émission une icône permettant de récupérer l'URL d'un flux RSS, qu'il suffit ensuite d'entrer dans #gPodder. Vous pouvez ensuite télécharger les MP3 librement.
La seule chose qui semble changer est que les podcasts semblent disponibles moins longtemps (2 mois ?). Raison de plus pour télécharger les MP3 intéressants progressivement avec gPodder.
#gpodder #radiofrance #podcast
@martin @tux ich selbst habe keine Erfahrung damit, aber auf @gnulinux gibt es auch Artikel zu #gpodder :
#pocketCasts :
und auch zu den #podcast -optionen von #rhythmbox und natürlich #AntennaPod
#antennapod #rhythmbox #podcast #pocketcasts #gpodder
Released v0.1.1 of gpodder2go that should fix a couple of bugs with the user creation process
gpodder2go is a drop-in #selfhosted server replacement that allows you to keep your podcast subscriptions in sync while ensuring your data in still in your own hands.