@AetherEgo @HeyeBodo If it's on the funny side and 4e then most likely A Grim Podcast Of Perilous Adventure on the Professional Casual Network. Love that, it's my goto podcast to learn about the campaign. I listened to the first couple episodes of 4 or 5 other podcasts running in 4e to get a feel for how the first few chapters can go but keep coming back to GPOPA, they're currently near what must be the end of Death on the Reik.

#TEW #gpopa

Last updated 2 years ago

neverless · @neverless
5 followers · 25 posts · Server mstdn.social

Excited! After a few sessions playing sometime in the early 2000s and a subsequent 20 year hiatus I got together a group and will be running the campaign in roleplay using . I've had the starter set for a while, fiddled around with foundry just for fun, but all my 'ing experience so far comes from listening to podcasts (, , ). Ok, so, excited and a bit scared.

#warhammer #roleplaying #ttrpg #mudnblood #owp #gpopa #GM #wfrp4e #foundryvtt #WarhammerFantasy #enemywithin #dasschwarzeauge #pnprpg

Last updated 2 years ago